Eatrenalin Suites

Fairy­ta­le Space Experiences

A visit to Eatre­an­lin, the restau­rant of the future, not only crea­tes a thirst for know­ledge and expe­ri­ence, but often also a litt­le tra­vel fati­gue. Tho­se who want to reco­ver from the sen­su­al impres­si­ons of the day in rela­xed sur­roun­dings – wit­hout fore­go­ing an ori­gi­nal ambi­ence – can expect four dif­fe­rent sui­tes atta­ched to the restau­rant. We pro­vi­ded stra­te­gic and inte­ri­or design sup­port for the Eat­rena­lin Suites.


Dreaming well has to be learned.

Inspi­red by the Nor­dic myths and Hans Chris­ti­an Andersen’s Danish fairy tales, Krønasår now offers four new pre­mi­um pent­house sui­tes, The Swan, Oce­an, Nor­t­hern Light and Fir Tree, each of which inter­prets one of the­se famous sto­ries in an uncon­ven­tio­nal way. All rooms fol­low indi­vi­du­al colour con­cepts that sup­port the futu­ristic and sphe­ri­cal inte­ri­or design.

Floor plan suites
Flo­or plan suites
Example floor plan suite
Exam­p­le flo­or plan suite

Ser­vice pha­ses:
LPH 1 – 6
Total area:
approx. 450 m² 
 Pent­house Sui­tes:
4 rooms

For atmospheric moments

Dif­fe­rent light set­tings as well as deco­ra­ti­ve ele­ments and pic­tures har­mo­nious­ly round off the over­all arran­ge­ment with their soft and orga­nic design lan­guage. The extra kick of rela­xa­ti­on in the sui­tes is pro­vi­ded by Swan and Oce­an one pri­va­te steam bath each – Nor­t­hern Light and Fir Tree each have a pri­va­te sau­na.

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For moving moments

Howe­ver, the high­light of the inte­ri­or are revol­ving bedswhich let you sleep like on clouds and allow gent­le chan­ges of per­spec­ti­ve within the room. A dri­ve sys­tem with an extra-quiet motor was spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for this pur­po­se, which rota­tes the slee­ping berths that appear to be embedded in the flo­or. A suc­cessful link to the core com­pe­tence of Euro­pa­park, which also plays with dif­fe­rent dimen­si­ons again and again with its tech­ni­cal expertise.


Immerse yourself in new worlds

The Pre­mi­um Pent­house Sui­tes take you into a world in which rea­li­ty and fic­tion seem to blur, and pro­vi­de their guests with fairy­ta­le-like expe­ri­en­ces in space.


Now even more
Feel the eatrenalin!