CGI, AI & MotionDesign

Coun­ter design to standstill.

Pre­sen­ting pro­ducts, explai­ning craft­sman­ship, explai­ning pro­ces­ses and tel­ling sto­ries – all this requi­res a medi­um that com­mu­ni­ca­tes bet­ween the lines, that moves. That mobi­li­ses space and dimen­si­ons and sets their two-dimen­sio­nal image in moti­on. Dif­fe­rent forms of design in our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team are used, moving images bet­ween uto­pia and ana­lo­gy are crea­ted. Archi­tects ren­der enti­re urban con­texts. Inte­ri­or desi­gners crea­te space and give it human access. Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gners crea­te gra­phic forms and trans­form con­tent. Pro­duct desi­gners give mass shape, form and func­tion. In the over­all pic­tu­re – the sceno­gra­phy – ever­y­thing revol­ves around an archi­tec­tu­re for the senses.


It works bey­ond con­cep­tua­li­ty, does wit­hout lan­guage, but imprints its­elf on the sub­con­scious. Becau­se with the asso­cia­ti­ons awa­ken­ed, desi­res are also awa­ken­ed. From ama­ze­ment it is only a step to curio­si­ty and an even smal­ler step to the need for tho­se objects around which our sceno­gra­phies lead their dream paths. We let you dream­walk in the digi­tal show­room, day­d­ream about 100 years of com­pa­ny histo­ry and also like to sedu­ce our cli­ents’ cus­to­mers into dream dancing. “You have to be bet­ter than TV”, desi­gner Phil­ip­pe Starck con­vin­ces us. To this end, we use the cabi­net of absur­di­ties as a tool­box and awa­ken dreams with images and sound­tracks. Join us in crea­ting a coun­ter-design to standstill.