Stra­tegy meets design. In inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry teams, we design brands, places and objects – online, off­line and bet­ween the lines.

Ato­mic, Schies­ser, VAUDE, Rit­ter Sport, Adi­das, Rie­se & Mül­ler, BMW, Por­sche, SRAM, Audi, Dou­glas, Euro­pa Park, Mer­ce­des-Benz, Zum­to­bel, Bet­te, Andy War­hol Foun­da­ti­on, Schü­co, Engel­horn, Sport­Scheck, EDEKA, Brun­ner, DACHSER, Migros, Dorn­bracht, Kös­ter, Hydro, WICONA, FSB, Ochs­ner Sport, Cine­plex, Hans­g­ro­he, Wal­ter Knoll, Fel­ler, Vizo­na, Swis­spearl, Tho­net, Rey­naers, Fors­ter, Vis­play, Roto, Kie­sel, Swiss Embas­sy, BWB, Ander­matt Swiss Alps, Shi­ma­no, Häfe­le, ansorg, HUGO BOSS, Cor­tal Con­sors, Deu­ter, Por­zel­lan Manu­fak­tur Nym­phen­burg, Odlo, Rosen­thal, Object­flor, eggers­mann, Munich Air­port, Gealan, Immoscout24, City of Munich, Mar­ché, Pana­ria­group, Pro­me­ga, Swis­spa­cer, Wund, Genesis


Over 65 indi­vi­du­als from a wide ran­ge of disci­pli­nes meet at the round table. To rea­li­se ide­as. Yours and ours.