atelier 522

On moti­va­tions and beliefs

Office for Strategy & Design

We see space as a play­ground for ima­gi­na­ti­on and crea­ti­vi­ty. We give envi­ron­ments an unmist­aka­ble touch so that you want to dis­co­ver them with all your senses.

From ana­ly­sis to stra­tegy to meaningful design: with expe­ri­ence and heart and soul, our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team Your visi­ons on the road. We are also hap­py to dri­ve off the bea­ten track with you.

The Magic
of romance

Bet­ween Bang­kok and Bos­ton, Ber­lin and Bar­ce­lo­na – high up on the Geh­ren­berg, in the hin­ter­land of Lake Con­s­tance, lies the ate­lier 522. In a con­ver­ted barn, the magic of romance gui­des us. Here we find space to give free rein to our mind games and crea­te new worlds.

online offline between the line
Bet­ween the line

We deve­lop the space that sur­rounds us in the field of ten­si­on bet­ween ana­lo­gue and digi­tal. Always at the Point of Attrac­tion – 24/7. In Stra­tegy work­shops we for­ge plans with you that open up access to new work, mobi­li­ty and con­nec­ti­vi­ty. Indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons for dif­fe­rent touchpoints.


And so we keep sai­ling on cour­se through a world of design and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. In doing so, we let our­sel­ves be dri­ven by the wind of our visi­ons and steer the work with skillful Craft­sman­ship.
Hosts at the round table

Always with an eye for detail and a feel for the big pic­tu­re, over 65 sci­en­tists, desi­gners, stra­te­gists and phi­lo­so­phers come tog­e­ther at ate­lier 522 to rea­li­se ide­as – yours and ours. Cli­ents include well-known fashion, life­style and sports brands as well as bre­we­ries, local manu­fac­tu­r­ers, muse­ums, public insti­tu­ti­ons and indus­tri­al and con­s­truc­tion companies.

Voy­a­ges of discovery

Open your eyes and mind to new paths – reco­g­ni­se oppor­tu­ni­ties and reach for them. With Trust and Con­fi­dence. Only Cou­ra­ge. We are expe­ri­en­ced Balan­cing act and relia­ble Com­pa­n­ions. Go with us on  meaningful jour­ney of experience?!

Memo­ries of the future

Cast­le pain­ting, bubble blo­wing and lots of sto­rytel­ling. Our day beg­ins by intro­du­cing our child­ren to the own nur­sery to bring. For we know that only tho­se who see the world through children’s eyes have the poten­ti­al to crea­ti­ve and sus­tainable to chan­ge.

When spaces
are trans­for­med
into worlds

For this, we take dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves and angles, stage the visi­ble and the invi­si­ble. Awa­ken memo­ries. Trans­forming spaces into worlds. For the Aes­the­tics of the encoun­ter. And what appeals to you?

We hike high and dive deep. We are loud and some­ti­mes quiet. Nar­row­ness and expan­se. Insi­de and out­side. Near and far. Online, off­line and bet­ween the line. We stage the invi­si­ble for you. We awa­ken memo­ries. Always with an eye for the all-embra­cing. Down to the smal­lest detail. For the Aes­the­tics of the encoun­ter. And what appeals to you?

serafini apple
Of stages and stories

The uni­corn in the clea­ring, the table that is always laid, for a chan­ge a giant will do. Fairy tales know the tri­ad: won­der, wish, action – as much as pos­si­ble, as exci­ting as pos­si­ble. So we build Stages and deve­lop Sto­riesthat remain in the memo­ry becau­se they are wort­hy of being remembered.


Flo­ri­an Graf – “Ways to the place”

Bet­ween ima­gi­na­ti­on and functionality

Wan­de­ring trad­ers climb bet­ween the lines. Along the times that move and lin­ger. Cos­mos.

Why or
why not?

As a team, we don’t just want to find some­thing new for our cus­to­mers, we also want to imple­ment it in a new way. In such a way that it is of las­ting use and gives pleasure.