Architecture & neighbourhood/area planning

The beau­ty is appealing.

Schil­ler wro­te that beau­ty paves the way for man’s tran­si­ti­on from fee­ling to thin­king – so let’s give food for thought! The ques­ti­ons about future mobi­li­ty and the resul­ting con­nec­ti­vi­ty are chan­ging the indi­vi­du­al demand for space in our urban struc­tures. We as archi­tects defi­ne and arti­cu­la­te the need and the ide­as. Embedded in our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team, the­se are then illu­mi­na­ted from dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves to touch the minds and sen­ses of socie­ty in equal measure.

With the play of form and func­tion, light and shadow, nar­row­ness and expan­se, a posi­ti­ve ten­si­on is built up bet­ween peo­p­le and space. All ele­ments of archi­tec­tu­re – bio­sphe­res, ecos­phe­res and ter­ra­forming – want to be balan­ced. Only in this way can dra­ma­tur­gy and playful cha­rac­ter deve­lop. And with them an aes­the­tic edu­ca­ti­on of which Schil­ler once dreamt: “Man only plays whe­re he is man in the full mea­ning of the word, and he is only ful­ly man whe­re he plays”.