with imme­dia­te effect 

We are loo­king for an Online Mar­ke­ting Manager/Content Desi­gner (m/f/d) who will enrich us with crea­ti­vi­ty and stra­te­gic thin­king as soon as pos­si­ble. In this posi­ti­on, you will play a key role in mana­ging and deve­lo­ping our online pre­sence. You will work clo­se­ly with the mar­ke­ting, sales and digi­tal depart­ments to crea­te a first-class image. 

  • Wri­ting and publi­shing posts on our social media plat­forms, as well as our web­site and newsletter
  • Crea­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of tar­get group-spe­ci­fic con­tent and the per­fect stra­te­gies to inspi­re and retain our tar­get group
  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of trends and needs within the com­mu­ni­ty to con­ti­nuous­ly opti­mi­se interaction
  • Mode­ra­ti­on of dis­cus­sions, ans­we­ring enquiries
  • Respon­si­bi­li­ty for the regu­lar updating and opti­mi­sa­ti­on of our website
  • Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with inter­nal and exter­nal part­ners to cla­ri­fy and imple­ment tech­ni­cal requirements
  • Stu­dies in mar­ke­ting, busi­ness admi­nis­tra­ti­on or design
  • min. 3 years pro­fes­sio­nal experience
  • Inte­rest and flair for design and our tonality
  • Pas­si­on for web and social media
  • Inven­ti­ve­ness and the cou­ra­ge to show it in inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry teams
  • Expe­ri­ence in wri­ting texts, both online and offline
  • Quick lear­ning of new working methods and programmes
  • Expe­ri­ence with Mailchimp, Word­Press, Pitch, Ado­be Suite or simi­lar desirable
  • Flu­ent Eng­lish in spo­ken, writ­ten and pre­sen­ting is welcome
  • Inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry coope­ra­ti­on in a high­ly moti­va­ted team
  • Fle­xi­ble work­place and time models by agreement
  • Child­ca­re in the in-house day­ca­re centre
  • Fresh­ly coo­ked lunch in the house seve­ral times a week
  • Job­rad and Wellpass
  • various fur­ther trai­ning opportunities
  • Uni­que loca­ti­on on Lake Constance

If ate­lier 522 appeals to you and you can ima­gi­ne beco­ming part of our team, we look for­ward to recei­ving your port­fo­lio. You can reach us by e‑mail (PDF attach­ment up to 10 MB) at job@atelier522.com. Plea­se note that, for the sake of the envi­ron­ment, we do not accept pos­tal sub­mis­si­ons and do not return them. Plea­se use this sub­ject: Appli­ca­ti­on FIRST NAME SURNAME – Field – from MONTH YEAR Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons. stu­dio 522 Fit­zen­wei­ler­str. 1c, 88677 Mark­dorf, Ger­ma­ny T +49 7544 95 60 522

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with imme­dia­te effect 

We are loo­king for moti­on desi­gners (m/f/d). Wel­co­me are tho­se who share ate­lier 522’s view of style and design, who chall­enge and encou­ra­ge, and who have the heart and mind to work in an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team. 

  • Deve­lo­p­ment, design and imple­men­ta­ti­on of audio­vi­su­al ani­ma­ti­ons, short films, logo ani­ma­ti­ons, film intros and con­tent for inter­nal and exter­nal projects.
  • Crea­ti­on of sto­ry­boards and 2D/3D visualisations
  • Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on on cam­paigns and imple­men­ta­ti­on on all com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on channels
  • Inter­face func­tion with inter­nal and exter­nal stakeholders
  • Pro­ject respon­si­bi­li­ty with cus­to­mer contact
  • Inde­pen­dent coor­di­na­ti­on of projects
  • Suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted stu­dies in moti­on design, animation/VFX design, communication/graphic design, media design or com­pa­ra­ble training
  • Ide­al­ly first work experience
  • High level of crea­ti­vi­ty in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of new design approaches
  • Team play­er
  • Expe­ri­ence in moti­on design, spa­ti­al visua­li­sa­ti­on and digi­tal media
  • Sound know­ledge of After Effects, Pre­mie­re, Ado­be CC, Cine­ma 4D or com­pa­ra­ble programs
  • Inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry coope­ra­ti­on in a high­ly moti­va­ted team
  • Space to deve­lop yourself
  • Sup­port for diver­se cus­to­mer pro­files with high qua­li­ty standards
  • Fle­xi­ble work­place and time models by agreement
  • Child­ca­re in the in-house day­ca­re centre
  • Fresh­ly coo­ked lunch in the house seve­ral times a week
  • various fur­ther trai­ning opportunities
  • Uni­que loca­ti­on on Lake Constance

If ate­lier 522 appeals to you and you can ima­gi­ne beco­ming part of our team, we look for­ward to recei­ving your port­fo­lio. You can reach us by e‑mail (PDF attach­ment up to 10 MB) at job@atelier522.com. Plea­se note that, for the sake of the envi­ron­ment, we do not accept pos­tal sub­mis­si­ons and do not return them. Plea­se use this sub­ject: Appli­ca­ti­on FIRST NAME SURNAME – Field – from MONTH YEAR Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons. stu­dio 522 Fit­zen­wei­ler­str. 1c, 88677 Mark­dorf, Ger­ma­ny T +49 7544 95 60 522

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with imme­dia­te effect 

We are loo­king for someone who is used to quick, ana­ly­ti­cal thin­king and can trans­form cus­to­mer brie­fings into sales and mar­ke­ting stra­te­gies, crea­ti­ve cam­paigns and meaningful texts. With your wor­ding, you will shar­pen our cli­ents’ com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on as well as our in-house con­cept work. You are a spar­ring part­ner for our pro­ject manage­ment, the other con­cept developers/copywriters and work clo­se­ly with our four design disci­pli­nes. Stra­tegy con­sul­ta­ti­ons and inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry con­cep­ti­on rounds alter­na­te with pha­ses of inde­pen­dent text crea­ti­on. We offer a fle­xi­ble work­place, full-time or part-time. 

  • Con­cep­tu­al respon­si­bi­li­ty for pro­jects from a wide ran­ge of industries
  • Accom­pany­ing pre­pa­ra­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of cli­ent workshops
  • Deve­lo­ping brand and mar­ke­ting strategies
  • Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons
  • Stra­te­gic pre-con­cep­ti­on for the crea­ti­ve teams
  • Fle­xi­ble pro­ject sup­port and coope­ra­ti­on with various disci­pli­nes in-house
  • Wri­ting con­cept texts, crea­ti­ve briefs, if neces­sa­ry also texts on behalf of clients
  • Stu­dies in huma­ni­ties, mar­ke­ting or design
  • min. 3 years pro­fes­sio­nal experience
  • Inte­rest and fee­ling for archi­tec­tu­re and design
  • Pas­si­on for mul­ti­me­dia con­tent and good texts
  • Inven­ti­ve­ness and the cou­ra­ge to show it in inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry teams
  • Struc­tu­red working methods, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and moderation
  • Quick lear­ning of new working methods and programmes
  • Expe­ri­ence with Ado­be Suite, Keynote/PPT, Pitch, Miro or simi­lar desirable
  • Flu­ent Eng­lish in spo­ken, writ­ten and pre­sen­ting is welcome
  • Inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry coope­ra­ti­on in a high­ly moti­va­ted team
  • Sup­port for diver­se cus­to­mer pro­files with high qua­li­ty standards
  • Fle­xi­ble work­place and time models by agreement
  • Child­ca­re in the in-house day­ca­re centre
  • Fresh­ly coo­ked lunch in the house seve­ral times a week
  • Job­bike
  • various fur­ther trai­ning opportunities
  • Uni­que loca­ti­on on Lake Constance

If ate­lier 522 appeals to you and you can ima­gi­ne beco­ming part of our team, we look for­ward to recei­ving your port­fo­lio. You can reach us by e‑mail (PDF attach­ment up to 10 MB) at job@atelier522.com. Plea­se note that, for the sake of the envi­ron­ment, we do not accept pos­tal sub­mis­si­ons and do not return them. Plea­se use this sub­ject: Appli­ca­ti­on FIRST NAME SURNAME – Field – from MONTH YEAR Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons. stu­dio 522 Fit­zen­wei­ler­str. 1c, 88677 Mark­dorf, Ger­ma­ny T +49 7544 95 60 522

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with imme­dia­te effect 

Indi­vi­dua­lists, aes­the­tes and for­ward thin­kers, whe­ther pro­fes­sio­nals or new­co­mers – we are always on the loo­kout for good employees. If you are good at what you do and are loo­king for a new chall­enge, then send us an unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on. If the­re is no job for you yet and you still con­vin­ce us, we are also pre­pared to crea­te a job tail­o­red to you. 

What is ate­lier 522? We are chao­tics, prag­ma­tists, drea­mers, rea­lists, archi­tects, inte­ri­or desi­gners, pro­duct desi­gners, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gners and pho­to­graph­ers. We rea­li­se ide­as in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on and under one roof: Our cli­ents’ and our own. Our team has many years of expe­ri­ence and a pro­no­un­ced pas­si­on for design, which deter­mi­nes our holi­stic thin­king and work. We offer you gre­at deve­lo­p­ment and lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties in a plea­sant working atmo­sphe­re in Mark­dorf on Lake Constance. 

If ate­lier 522 appeals to you and you can ima­gi­ne beco­ming part of our team, we look for­ward to recei­ving your port­fo­lio. You can reach us by e‑mail (PDF attach­ment up to 10 MB) at job@atelier522.com. Plea­se note that, for the sake of the envi­ron­ment, we do not accept pos­tal sub­mis­si­ons and do not return them. Plea­se use this sub­ject: Appli­ca­ti­on FIRST NAME SURNAME – Field – from MONTH YEAR Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons. stu­dio 522 Fit­zen­wei­ler­str. 1c, 88677 Mark­dorf, Ger­ma­ny T +49 7544 95 60 522

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with imme­dia­te effect 

For the coming semes­ter and the Mark­dorf loca­ti­on, we are loo­king for a com­mit­ted intern who designs with love and cou­ra­ge. Someone who wants to work in an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team and also super­vi­se their own pro­jects. Are you stu­dy­ing inte­ri­or design in your main cour­se of stu­dy or have you alre­a­dy suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted a com­pa­ra­ble cour­se of stu­dy? Then we would be hap­py to sup­port you for six months. The appli­ca­ti­on dead­line is the end of August for the win­ter semes­ter and the end of Janu­ary for the sum­mer semester. 

What is ate­lier 522? We are chao­tics, prag­ma­tists, drea­mers, rea­lists, archi­tects, inte­ri­or desi­gners, pro­duct desi­gners, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gners and pho­to­graph­ers. We rea­li­se ide­as in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on and under one roof: Our cli­ents’ and our own. Our team has many years of expe­ri­ence and a pro­no­un­ced pas­si­on for design, which deter­mi­nes our holi­stic thin­king and work. We offer you gre­at deve­lo­p­ment and lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties in a plea­sant working atmo­sphe­re in Mark­dorf on Lake Constance. 

If ate­lier 522 appeals to you and you can ima­gi­ne beco­ming part of our team, we look for­ward to recei­ving your port­fo­lio. You can reach us by e‑mail (PDF attach­ment up to 10 MB) at job@atelier522.com. Plea­se note that, for the sake of the envi­ron­ment, we do not accept pos­tal sub­mis­si­ons and do not return them. Plea­se use this sub­ject: Appli­ca­ti­on FIRST NAME SURNAME – Field – from MONTH YEAR Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons. stu­dio 522 Fit­zen­wei­ler­str. 1c, 88677 Mark­dorf, Ger­ma­ny T +49 7544 95 60 522

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with imme­dia­te effect 

For the coming semes­ter and the Mark­dorf loca­ti­on, we are loo­king for a com­mit­ted intern who designs with love and cou­ra­ge. Someone who wants to work in an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team and also super­vi­se their own pro­jects. Are you stu­dy­ing pro­duct design in your main cour­se of stu­dy or have you alre­a­dy suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted a com­pa­ra­ble cour­se of stu­dy? Then we would be hap­py to sup­port you for six months. The appli­ca­ti­on dead­line is the end of August for the win­ter semes­ter and the end of Janu­ary for the sum­mer semester. 

What is ate­lier 522? We are chao­tics, prag­ma­tists, drea­mers, rea­lists, archi­tects, inte­ri­or desi­gners, pro­duct desi­gners, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gners and pho­to­graph­ers. We rea­li­se ide­as in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on and under one roof: Our cli­ents’ and our own. Our team has many years of expe­ri­ence and a pro­no­un­ced pas­si­on for design, which deter­mi­nes our holi­stic thin­king and work. We offer you gre­at deve­lo­p­ment and lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties in a plea­sant working atmo­sphe­re in Mark­dorf on Lake Constance. 

If ate­lier 522 appeals to you and you can ima­gi­ne beco­ming part of our team, we look for­ward to recei­ving your port­fo­lio. You can reach us by e‑mail (PDF attach­ment up to 10 MB) at job@atelier522.com. Plea­se note that, for the sake of the envi­ron­ment, we do not accept pos­tal sub­mis­si­ons and do not return them. Plea­se use this sub­ject: Appli­ca­ti­on FIRST NAME SURNAME – Field – from MONTH YEAR Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons. stu­dio 522 Fit­zen­wei­ler­str. 1c, 88677 Mark­dorf, Ger­ma­ny T +49 7544 95 60 522

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with imme­dia­te effect 

For the coming semes­ter and for the Mark­dorf loca­ti­on, we are loo­king for a com­mit­ted intern who designs with love and cou­ra­ge. Someone who wants to work in an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team and also super­vi­se their own pro­jects. Are you stu­dy­ing com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design in your main cour­se of stu­dy or have you alre­a­dy suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted a com­pa­ra­ble cour­se of stu­dy? Then we would be hap­py to sup­port you for six months. The appli­ca­ti­on dead­line is the end of August for the win­ter semes­ter and the end of Janu­ary for the sum­mer semester. 

What is ate­lier 522? We are chao­ts, prag­ma­tists, drea­mers, rea­lists, archi­tects, inte­ri­or desi­gners, pro­duct desi­gners, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gners and pho­to­graph­ers. We rea­li­se ide­as in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on and under one roof: Our cli­ents’ and our own. Our team has many years of expe­ri­ence and a pro­no­un­ced pas­si­on for design, which deter­mi­nes our holi­stic thin­king and work. We offer you gre­at deve­lo­p­ment and lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties in a plea­sant working atmo­sphe­re in Mark­dorf on Lake Constance. 

If ate­lier 522 appeals to you and you can ima­gi­ne beco­ming part of our team, we look for­ward to recei­ving your port­fo­lio. You can reach us by e‑mail (PDF attach­ment up to 10 MB) at job@atelier522.com. Plea­se note that, for the sake of the envi­ron­ment, we do not accept pos­tal sub­mis­si­ons and do not return them. Plea­se use this sub­ject: Appli­ca­ti­on FIRST NAME SURNAME – Field – from MONTH YEAR Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons. stu­dio 522 Fit­zen­wei­ler­str. 1c, 88677 Mark­dorf, Ger­ma­ny T +49 7544 95 60 522

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