Andermatt Pazola

Moun­tain palaz­zo with con­tem­po­ra­ry comfort

A palaz­zo-like resi­dence with an ele­gant, con­tem­po­ra­ry ambi­ence. Pazo­la is nest­led bet­ween the snow-cap­ped peaks of Ander­matt. An ensem­ble of 19 luxu­rious flats and pent­hou­ses bet­ween 80 and 140 squa­re met­res, com­bi­ning ele­ments of Ita­li­an urban archi­tec­tu­re and typi­cal Swiss design. We have taken some of the most important ele­ments of palaz­zo archi­tec­tu­re and used them for the inte­ri­or design. For tim­e­l­ess spaces that com­bi­ne tech­ni­cal exper­ti­se with ori­gi­nal solutions.

Retreat for people with a sure sense of design

Pazo­la has an effect in all things, from the mate­ri­als used to the fur­nis­hings. Digni­fied, but not over­loa­ded. To give the buil­ding a more con­tem­po­ra­ry look, the win­dows are alre­a­dy lar­ger than is usu­al in tra­di­tio­nal Alpi­ne archi­tec­tu­re. The 4.30-metre-high cei­lings of the three- to four-and-a-half-room flats also crea­te a spe­cial fee­ling of free­dom. For the inte­ri­or, buil­ding mate­ri­als typi­cal of the Alps are used, which, among other things, are based on the sur­roun­dings. The orna­men­tal tiles, par­quet flo­ors, fire­places and Häs­tens beds with half-height linen-cover­ed head­boards are inspi­red by the tra­di­tio­nal sta­te­ly buil­dings, but have been com­ple­te­ly reinter­pre­ted – for a clea­rer, more modern line. Colours like ruby red, dark blue and green add a touch of aris­to­cra­cy wit­hout being opulent.

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Total area:
2,000 sqm

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Exam­p­le penthouse

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Exam­p­le penthouse

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Sam­ple suite

Pazo­la has many cosy ele­ments to crea­te a warm atmo­sphe­re. For exam­p­le, all flats are equip­ped with a natu­ral stone fire­place, which gives the living rooms in par­ti­cu­lar a spe­cial feel-good atmo­sphe­re. Hand­craf­ted pie­ces set the tone for fur­ni­tu­re and access­ories. From the Vitra side table made of wood to the lights by Flos, every detail has been cho­sen with love. The luxu­rious bath­rooms with cera­mic tiles and fit­tings by Dorn­bracht and Hans­g­ro­he invi­te you to enjoy plea­sant moments of relaxation.

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Other Pazo­la amen­i­ties include ground-flo­or com­mu­nal faci­li­ties inclu­ding a gym, spa and rela­xa­ti­on room, lounge and games area. After all, a home is more than just your own four walls.

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