
The restau­rant of the future

How do you crea­te mul­ti-sen­so­ry worlds that com­bi­ne enter­tain­ment and culina­ry at the hig­hest level? Eat­rena­lin is not­hing less than the most exci­ting gas­tro­no­mic expe­ri­ence in the world. A spe­cial play in which the inter­ac­tion of all the sen­ses plays a lea­ding role. In order to stage this mul­ti-sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence down to the smal­lest detail, an exten­si­ve script was writ­ten with the aim of com­ple­te­ly reinven­ting the gas­tro­no­mic expe­ri­ence and tou­ch­ing peo­p­le emo­tio­nal­ly. Initia­tors and inves­tors of this extra­or­di­na­ry pro­ject are Tho­mas Mack and Oli­ver Alt­herr. They made it pos­si­ble for us to crea­tively accom­pa­ny the enti­re pro­cess – from the first con­cep­tu­al ide­as to the com­ple­ted arran­ge­ment with all its tas­teful details. What comes out of the com­bi­ned ener­gy bet­ween ate­lier 522 and Euro­pa­park? Expe­ri­ence it for yours­elf. Wel­co­me to the restau­rant of the future.


1000 square metres of pure sensory experience

An exci­ting ape­ri­tif wel­co­mes visi­tors and sets the mood for the magi­cal expe­ri­ence of Eat­rena­lin. The rooms that fol­low have sono­rous names such as Water­fall, Dis­co­very, Oce­an, Tas­te, World of Uma­mi, Space­ship, Uni­ver­se or Incar­na­ti­on, and each con­ta­ins an over­ri­ding, inde­pen­dent the­me that is con­sis­t­ent­ly reflec­ted in the inte­ri­or design. Sel­ec­ted mate­ri­als, cura­ted access­ories, artis­tic instal­la­ti­ons, high­light sta­gings and small and lar­ge ges­tu­res at all con­ceiva­ble inter­faces invi­te you to expe­ri­ence Sur­roun­ding with all your senses.

Europapark Rust Eatrenalin Lounge Outfit atelier 522

Idea gene­ra­tor:
Tho­mas Mack and Oli­ver Altherr
ate­lier 522 
Mack Rides 
Media con­tent:
Mack Ani­ma­ti­on
Media tech­no­lo­gy:
Mack Solu­ti­ons
Ser­vice pha­ses:
LPH 1 – 8
Total area:
1000 m²
Europapark Rust Eatrenalin Floating Chair Design atelier 522

Floating through space and time

How do you com­bi­ne such a culina­ry expe­ri­ence with the cor­re­spon­ding tech­no­lo­gy? For exam­p­le, by deve­lo­ping inno­va­ti­ve sea­ting fur­ni­tu­re such as the “Floa­ting Chair”. Ful­ly auto­ma­ted and auto­no­mously con­troll­able, it moves visi­tors during the Dining Expe­ri­ence into the “Space­ship”, a galac­tic space-within-a-space expe­ri­ence made of stain­less steel and alu­mi­ni­um. Never expe­ri­en­ced a rocket launch? The one-and-a-half-met­re-high free fall pro­vi­des an authen­tic gut fee­ling. Just like the crea­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al pie­ces of fur­ni­tu­re as gui­ding details, such as the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the bar and its indi­vi­du­al ele­ments and the lounge coun­ter in free form, whe­re the “Spar­k­ling Wel­co­me” deli­vers what it promises.

Europapark Rust Eatrenalin Room Umami atelier 522 Culinary delights

Anything but ordinary.

From the extra­or­di­na­ry inte­ri­or design to the tech­no­lo­gy, the spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped fashion coll­ec­tion for the staff and the mer­chan­di­se artic­les. An all-round suc­cessful sto­ry­line in which all the lar­ge and small details come tog­e­ther in har­mo­nious sym­bio­sis. The jour­ney is framed by LED screens, moving ele­ments, sophisti­ca­ted light­ing and sound tech­no­lo­gy and the unbeata­ble, impres­si­ve ride tech­no­lo­gy from Euro­pa­park. The pro­ject would not have been pos­si­ble wit­hout the inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry coope­ra­ti­on of the dif­fe­rent teams of experts: Mack Rides for the Floa­ting Chair and the enti­re ride tech­no­lo­gy, Mack Ani­ma­ti­on for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the media con­tent, Mack Solu­ti­ons for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of all media and stage tech­no­lo­gy. Experts for culina­ry and gas­tro­no­my, sound and fashion were also invol­ved. A true syn­the­sis of the arts.

Europapark Rust Eatrenalin Room Ocean Interior atelier 522
Europapark Rust Eatrenalin Room Ocean Interior Detail atelier 522
Europapark Rust Eatrenalin Elevator atelier 522
Europapark Rust Eatrenalin Elevator Detail atelier 522
Europapark Rust Eatrenalin Bar Dimensions atelier 522

The beginning shapes, the end sticks.

From the nine-met­re-high and 35-met­re-wide ent­rance made of dou­ble-cur­ved alu­mi­ni­um ele­ments, to mul­ti-sen­so­ry sta­gings in which all details and pro­ces­ses are pre­cis­e­ly coor­di­na­ted, to the final finish in the bar: from start to finish, a per­fect­ly orchestra­ted arran­ge­ment con­sis­ting of tas­te, smell, phy­si­cal and audio­vi­su­al ele­ments dis­tri­bu­ted across dif­fe­rent spaces. Always lin­ked to the ques­ti­on of what it will look like, the world of tomorrow.


Now even more
Feel the eatrenalin!