The race track brought to the surface.

Vehic­les, designs or pro­to­ty­pes that have made histo­ry: The BMW Muse­um is loca­ted direct­ly oppo­si­te the BMW World in Munich. Here, the BMW brand from its begin­nings to the pre­sent day beco­mes an expe­ri­ence in a class of its own. Lively, breath­ta­king and mul­ti­face­ted. With gre­at atten­ti­on to detail, the indi­vi­du­al rooms are thoughtful­ly desi­gned, inter­ac­ti­ve and sur­pri­sing – inclu­ding the new BMW tou­ring car room. We at ate­lier 522 were allo­wed to brea­the new life into the exhi­bi­ti­on and expe­ri­ence area.

Ready, Set, Go!

Tou­ring car racing is one of the most exci­ting forms of motor­sport and offers an unfor­gettable expe­ri­ence for both dri­vers and spec­ta­tors. The races are fast and exci­ting, and it is fasci­na­ting to see the cars in full swing. The atmo­sphe­re at each race is uni­que. The spec­ta­tors and fans are enthu­si­a­stic and pas­sio­na­te. They can expe­ri­ence the exci­te­ment and thrill first hand while wat­ching the dri­vers give their best in each race.

Hard­ly sur­pri­sing that we wan­ted to bring this invi­si­ble bond of fan fri­end­ship to the sur­face – adre­na­line-fil­led and spec­ta­cu­lar. In the form of an inter­ac­ti­ve exhi­bi­ti­on on the histo­ry of tou­ring car racing and its suc­ces­ses. For this, we brea­thed life into the exis­ting tou­ring car room in the BMW Muse­um with 6 exhi­bits. On an area of 240 squa­re met­res, vehic­les from 1972 to the pre­sent day are pre­sen­ted in a mul­ti­me­dia setting.

Ser­vice pha­ses:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
240 m²
Con­s­truc­tion time:
6 weeks

The world of touring cars

Here, the focus is cle­ar­ly on cars, dri­vers and suc­ces­ses. The clean, mini­ma­list archi­tec­tu­re of the room is retai­ned and com­ple­men­ted by racing ele­ments. The race track, in the form of a sti­cker on the flo­or, runs like a thread through the enti­re exhi­bi­ti­on and accom­pa­nies visi­tors on their adre­na­line-fuel­led jour­ney through the world of tou­ring cars. The­se are wai­ting in the wings on dark asphalt next to the race­track, just wai­ting to be discovered.

Countdown for spectacular experiences

Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned for road use and modi­fied for racing to achie­ve hig­her speeds and bet­ter per­for­mance. The­se are the attri­bu­tes of a tou­ring car. And they want to be expe­ri­en­ced – whe­ther inter­ac­tively with fri­ends or by taking the driver’s per­spec­ti­ve yours­elf. To be part of the spec­ta­cle, to feel the adre­na­line, to be on the track. The­re is some­thing for ever­yo­ne here.

Take the driver’s perspective

Dri­ving a tou­ring car requi­res a high level of skill and expe­ri­ence, as the cars have to acce­le­ra­te quick­ly and navi­ga­te tight cor­ners. Fan­cy a spin in a racing car? The 270° screen with the inter­ac­ti­ve cock­pit per­spec­ti­ve makes this possible.


A story for the ages.

The suc­cess sto­ry of the tou­ring car: Tes­ted in the race, rea­li­sed in the design. Each tou­ring car on dis­play con­tri­bu­tes its part to the suc­cess sto­ry. The­r­e­fo­re, in a dra­ma­tur­gi­cal sequence of 20 min, indi­vi­du­al cars are illu­mi­na­ted, the room’s light­ing is dim­med, the doors are clo­sed and the asso­cia­ted suc­cess sto­ry is laun­ched on a lar­ge screen.


Pit stop

It is not only the race tracks on which tou­ring car races take place that are often spe­ci­al­ly adapt­ed and offer many chal­lenges for the dri­vers. The­re is more to it than that. A quick chan­ge of wheels and a fill-up? A real pit stop on site. Here you have to lend a hand yours­elf and feel the pres­su­re of time. How? By com­pe­ting direct­ly with their fri­ends. Under com­pe­ti­ti­ve con­di­ti­ons, of course.

AR for winners

We are the Cham­pi­ons – insi­de and out­side the BMW Muse­um. How does this work? With the help of AR fil­ters. In this case, we have inte­gra­ted seve­ral appli­ca­ti­ons insi­de the tou­ring car room. Whe­ther on the tro­phy wall, whe­re tro­phies are explai­ned in more detail, or direct­ly on the vehic­les. What’s under the bon­net? Here, a racing car is scan­ned in 3D. The inner workings of the vehic­les can thus be expe­ri­en­ced virtually.

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Adrenalin on two wheels

The Motor­bike Room in the BMW Muse­um con­ti­nues the suc­cessful exhi­bi­ti­on of the Tou­ring Car Room and is dedi­ca­ted to the fasci­na­ting world of motor­bike racing. The new sta­ging gives the room a fresh look wit­hout inter­fe­ring with the exis­ting archi­tec­tu­re. The design of the room is divi­ded sceno­gra­phi­cal­ly into three main cate­go­ries that take up dif­fe­rent facets of motor­bike cul­tu­re: Road Racing, Off­road and Speed Records.

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On and off the road

Road Racing cap­tures the atmo­sphe­re of road racing with a flo­or in a steep bend look. Off­road brings the world of off-road sport to life with a sand-colou­red sur­face, while Speed Records domi­na­tes with white plat­forms and a mini­ma­list design, the aes­the­tics of speed and precision.

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Speed records

A cen­tral high­light of the exhi­bi­ti­on is the sta­ging of the famous ‘Hen­ne Egg’. The dri­ver Ernst Jakob Hen­ne gave his name to this machi­ne, who­se aero­dy­na­mic panell­ing is remi­nis­cent of an egg. The exhi­bit is spec­ta­cu­lar­ly sus­pen­ded and attracts atten­ti­on with its uni­que shape and histo­ry. Medals and tro­phies empha­sise the sport­ing suc­cess and tech­ni­cal innovation.