The Walt Disney Method

How would Nico­las Coper­ni­cus go about it? What path would Frank Sina­tra take? What does a cake baked by Mickey Mou­se look like?

We tend to put our­sel­ves in the posi­ti­on of an impas­se and crea­te blocks to our thin­king. Tear down the wall of resis­tance and put yours­elf in ano­ther person’s shoes and think with their head.

You are the drea­mer and think visio­na­ry, chao­tic and inde­pen­dent of tra­di­ti­on and rules.

You are the rea­list and ask yours­elf, are the dreamer’s ide­as rea­li­sti­cal­ly realisable?

You are the cri­tic and exami­ne, ana­ly­se and ask con­s­truc­ti­ve questions.

All three per­spec­ti­ves are taken in suc­ces­si­on so often
until the drea­mer is satis­fied with the vision,
the rea­list con­vin­ced of the feasibility
and the cri­tic can no lon­ger ask questions.


The Six Thinkers’ Hats

Ima­gi­ne the­re are six hats in dif­fe­rent colours. They all wear the same hat at the same time and dis­cuss in the same direction.
The faci­li­ta­tor deci­des which hat the group will wear.

Blue hat Mode­ra­ti­on

Red hat Fee­lings and intuition

Yel­low hat Advan­ta­ges and new possibilities

Black hat Risks and dangers

White hat Objec­ti­ve dis­cus­sion about the cur­rent sta­te of affairs

Green hat Alternatives



What exci­tes your senses?

Ima­gi­ne expe­ri­en­cing the pro­blem with all your sen­ses: What does it sound like? What does it look like? How does it feel? How does it smell? How does it taste?

Element 7





What is similar?














Into the opposite





The Osborn Checklist

Ask the right questions

Have we thought through all the pos­si­bi­li­ties? What can we achie­ve through tar­ge­ted changes?

Other use? What else can I use it for? Can I use it dif­fer­ent­ly? Is it simi­lar to some­thing else? Can some­thing be adopted? Are the­re par­al­lels in the past? What can I imi­ta­te? What can I repli­ca­te? What can be chan­ged? What cha­rac­te­ristics can be res­haped? Other mea­ning, colour, move­ment, direc­tion, sound, smell, form, sha­ping? Can some­thing be added? Can some­thing be streng­the­ned? What emer­ges in a lon­ger peri­od of time, ‑cycle lar­ger time frame? Hig­her fre­quen­cy? More fre­quent occur­rence? More sta­ble, firm­er, stron­ger? Hig­her? Leng­thening? Thi­c­ken? Addi­tio­nal values? Addi­tio­nal com­pon­ents, ingre­di­ents, abili­ties? Dupli­ca­te? Exag­ge­ra­te? Redu­ce? Can some­thing be taken away? Can some­thing be toned down? Minia­tu­ri­se? Flat­ten? Shor­ten? Slim­ming down? Light­weight? Omit? Ratio­na­li­se? Under­do, underva­lue? Deva­lue? Replace? What can be repla­ced? Can some­thing be sub­sti­tu­ted? Other ingre­di­ent, ingre­di­ent, ingre­di­ent? Mate­ri­al? Pro­cess, pro­duc­tion, degra­da­ti­on? Other ener­gy, dri­ving source? Other place? Other sound, tone?rearrange? Can the order be chan­ged? Can any­thing be chan­ged in the struc­tu­re? Com­po­nent sub­sti­tu­ti­on? Other sche­me, decor, model, appearance? Other lay­out? Other order? Swap cau­se and effect? Chan­ge steps, stages, tem­po? Chan­ge sequence, grid? Rever­se? Can the sequence be rever­sed? What does the oppo­si­te look like? Start­ing from the back? Turn it upsi­de down? Rever­se roles or tasks? Com­bi­ne? Can ide­as be con­nec­ted? Can the idea be bro­ken down into parts?