Open discussions

Conceive in three directions 

1, 2 or 3

Deve­lop three dif­fe­rent con­cepts by
cate­go­ri­se and at the same time give you food for thought


Ima­gi­ne you are loo­king at your idea from other eyes. From which eyes would you have to look at it to give the con­cept a dif­fe­rent meaning?

Give your idea a fur­ther bene­fit by adding some­thing to it.
add. What could you add? In what way does this crea­te a dif­fe­rent benefit?

Ima­gi­ne the idea in a dif­fe­rent envi­ron­ment. In which
envi­ron­ment, does the idea take on a dif­fe­rent mea­ning? What would you have to change?

What is behind the respective doors?

Tell the sto­ries that hap­pen behind the doors.
How could you use the secrets behind the doors for your concepts?


What form do your respective concepts take?

Give your con­cepts a cer­tain shape. What does this change?


Which structure reflects which concept?

Make a con­nec­tion bet­ween the mate­ri­als, sur­faces, things, shapes and the words.
How do you com­bi­ne them?


nume­ri­cal­ly loyal­ly mari­ti­me thoughtful­ly evi­dent­ly pru­dent judi­ci­al­ly intui­tively con­ti­nuous­ly valuable alpha­be­ti­cal­ly con­troll­able for years
aut­ho­ri­ta­ti­ve home­ly pro­vo­ca­ti­ve form­less accu­ra­te bru­te con­sis­tent gra­cious valuable pas­sio­na­te con­vi­vi­al fac­tu­al tem­po­ra­ry enig­ma­tic nou­ris­hing rigo­rous rock solid pro­tec­ti­ve exten­si­ve secu­re inter­stel­lar fabu­lous tur­bu­lent magn­ani­mous com­pre­hen­si­ve exem­pla­ry fren­zied fid­ge­ty casu­al acces­si­ble child­li­ke solemn magi­cal lei­su­re­ly wise stri­ving fron­tal rhyth­mic qua­li­fied puristic
orga­nic unin­hi­bi­ted com­pre­hen­si­ble stran­ge­ly lively vigo­rous young inti­ma­te pom­pous thorough

Which path do your concepts take?

Whe­re do the paths lead? Who or what do you meet on the way?
What adven­tures can be had along the way?


Match your concepts to a melody

What do your con­cepts sound like? What form do the vibra­ti­ons take?
