
Natu­re as the model for a new world. An almost con­ci­li­a­to­ry thought in view of all the “unna­tu­ral” diver­si­ty that has been mush­roo­ming for years. Arti­fi­ci­a­li­ty is boo­ming across all sec­tors. Tho­se who don’t fol­low suit will lose out. But how can we turn things around? Neu­ro­sci­en­tist Dr. Arndt Pech­stein has an ans­wer, which he shared with us at our last per­ma­nent beta event: Bio­mi­mi­cry. A young, sci­en­ti­fic disci­pli­ne that makes use of solu­ti­ons from natu­re for today’s rea­li­ty. “The aim is not only to deve­lop solu­ti­ons that are tech­ni­cal­ly inno­va­ti­ve, but also to estab­lish new approaches.

In order to bring peo­p­le clo­ser to his work, Pech­stein works clo­se­ly with com­mer­cial enter­pri­ses and archi­tec­tu­ral agen­ci­es. “Unli­ke bio­nics, the topic of bio­mi­mi­cry is not about direct­ly copy­ing natu­re, but always about an abs­trac­tion of what exists that can be trans­fer­red to human pro­blems. For exam­p­le, within archi­tec­tu­re, mobi­li­ty issues or in the field of pro­duct inno­va­ti­on. It pro­vi­des us with both inspi­ra­ti­on and a tem­p­la­te for sha­ping the future of our pla­net in such a way that it is still worth living on for future generations.”

But why lis­ten to bio­lo­gy now? Well, becau­se this com­plex-adap­ti­ve sys­tem has mana­ged to sur­vi­ve for an extre­me­ly long time, 3.8 bil­li­on years. And that with a mana­geable amount of mate­ri­als. A maxi­mum of natu­ral exper­ti­se to which we should ori­ent our­sel­ves. And must. Only in this way can we arri­ve at tru­ly new ways of loo­king at things that will lead us to intel­li­gent solu­ti­ons, moral­ly jus­ti­fia­ble prin­ci­ples and values in the long term. Com­bi­ned with agi­le methods and the meaningful ques­ti­on of how we can best design for and with peo­p­le, we crea­te new spaces of pos­si­bi­li­ties from which we all bene­fit glo­bal­ly. Beau­tiful prospects.