
The summit
of sustainability

What kind of world do we want to live in? We ask our­sel­ves this ques­ti­on with every new idea. With every new design. Every day. The fact is: Sus­tainable pro­ducts are more in demand world­wi­de than ever befo­re. Cus­to­mers want to buy with a clear con­sci­ence. At the same time, no com­pro­mi­ses in the qua­li­ty of the pro­ducts. Our stra­te­gies for a coher­ent brand archi­tec­tu­re for the out­door manu­fac­tu­rer Vau­de address this area of ten­si­on. The task: the con­cep­ti­on of a sus­tainable trade fair con­s­truc­tion sys­tem that moves with the times. Chall­enge accept­ed! We desi­gned modu­lar fur­ni­tu­re that works equal­ly well for trade fairs, shop fit­ting and as a show­room. And which has not been out­sour­ced sin­ce. In doing so, we gave the brand an honest and eco­lo­gi­cal foot­print. And us too.

Serious sustainability

Intel­li­gent fur­ni­tu­re for trade fairs and shop fit­ting that inspi­res both Vau­de and its fran­chi­sees. You can’t have a board in front of your head. Spea­king of boards: it had to be wood! A modu­lar plug-in sys­tem and cor­re­spon­ding sea­ting and light­ing. That’s what it was sup­po­sed to be! It has grown into a retail and trade fair sys­tem. So valuable and tim­e­l­ess that it can almost be ascri­bed cult cha­rac­ter. And becau­se it tur­ned out so beau­tiful­ly, we also deli­ver­ed the matching com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design for the shop fit­ting book­let with the same fines­se. Of cour­se – what else …

Built on quality

The pro­ducts of the out­door manu­fac­tu­rer Vau­de accom­pa­ny you from the moun­tain to the val­ley. We first took up this gui­ding prin­ci­ple with our trade fair design in 2011 and have sin­ce built on it seve­ral times a year, inclu­ding at ISPO, Euro­bike and Out­door. In the midd­le of the moun­tain pan­ora­ma, inte­gra­ted dis­plays with lots of action insi­de and on top. Fur­ther down in the val­ley, a birch forest with space for quiet con­ver­sa­ti­on. But the star is and remains our modu­lar woo­den plug-in sys­tem. To this day, it is the ele­men­ta­ry link of the who­le, with a dif­fe­rent sta­ging every year. Ascent suc­cessful­ly mastered.

Staged and bargained for

Sin­ce the­re is no uni­form stan­dard for the eva­lua­ti­on of “eco-pro­ducts” world­wi­de, Vau­de has deve­lo­ped its own eva­lua­ti­on sys­tem with strict cri­te­ria. The name: Green Shape. With an impres­si­ve leaf instal­la­ti­on made of eco-paper, we sus­tain­ab­ly brought this topic to the sur­face at ISPO 2018 in Munich. And staged it to gre­at effect. The lea­ves were atta­ched in style with bor­ro­wed clim­bing ropes. Illu­mi­na­ted cubes beca­me the stage for eco-sto­ries – recy­cled pla­s­tic bot­t­les into back­packs. And whe­re will your next jour­ney take you?

Retail Design & POS

To shop whe­re it feels natu­ral. To be. To brow­se. To buy. Whe­re you tre­at natu­re with respect. Our sus­taina­bi­li­ty con­cept is also eco­lo­gi­cal­ly intel­li­gent in terms of retail design and POS throug­hout all Vau­de stores. In the form of woo­den ste­les, for exam­p­le, which also ser­ve as a com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tool. Lar­ge-sca­le pho­to motifs add emo­ti­on and exci­te­ment to the respec­ti­ve the­ma­tic are­as. This is whe­re you want to be equip­ped – for your next exci­ting adventure.

Products with lines

Off-the-peg clot­hing? Not at Vau­de! Just as litt­le as the pro­duct design. Wall ele­ments, clo­thes han­gers, car­cass bases, motif walls – ever­y­thing fol­lows a line. The natu­ral one. Made of local wood. Fold­ed cei­ling lights add a touch of extra­va­gan­ce. Subt­le and yet pre­sent. The best pro­of that natu­ral­ness is any­thing but bor­ing. The love of detail makes the big pic­tu­re here.

Graphic design without chichi

By explo­rers for explo­rers: the design manu­al for Vau­de. Whe­ther it’s a fur­ni­tu­re cata­lo­gue or a fly­er – the visu­al lan­guage and feel get to the heart of what the com­pa­ny stands for. No chi­chi, but natu­ral aes­the­tics. In all its crea­ti­ve forms. Or would we other­wi­se have desi­gned a fly­er that you can’t help but “play” with? Open up and enter. In the truest sen­se of the word. Be inspi­red. See new per­spec­ti­ves. Be a role model.

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