Curtain up
… for Vizona! With the shop fitting specialist from Weil am Rhein, intelligent, design-oriented retail solutions for sectors such as automotive, fashion, beauty and hospitality become reality. All over the world and with an individual touch. Our contribution to communicating the company’s strengths in a worthy and memorable way: long-term strategic support, setting up new acquisition tools, industry interviews, editing, copywriting and a holistic communication design for analogue and digital media.
Content strategy and new knowledge platform
A new landscape of trade is emerging. And its boundaries are far from being defined. The Zeitgeist segment is an interview format and knowledge platform that brings together industry opinion leaders with people from the fringes of retail and areas such as art and digital technology to discuss ideas for the future. First stop: learning from hotels. Edited and designed by atelier 522, freely accessible to all who seek inspiration outside the mainstream.
Corporate Publishing
The perfect stage for the highlights from a whole year of shopfitting expertise: a reference brochure that also encourages the creation of sensual spaces in two dimensions. A haptic experience with which Vizona conquers the stages of this world and positions itself as a “stage builder” for brand stagings and as a material expert. We have not only given the print work a new form, artistic content and interviews with well-known faces in the industry, but also the appropriate name: “Stages”.
Web design and digital sales tools
How do you get people’s attention in the digital age? With digital content that makes the charm of analogue media and the material worlds in which Vizona moves, digitally tangible. Hand drawings and the colourfulness of the reference brochure “Stages” and other sales materials were harmoniously transferred to the website and lead through the entire brand presence of Vizona as aesthetic unique selling points. All the way to the industry-specific trend report.
With the “Zeitgeist” segment, a new format was also developed that brings together people from different areas such as art, technology or business to discuss and philosophise about the edges of retail. And to actively shape the future of stationary trade together with experts and opinion leaders from the retail industry.
Corporate Design
Vizona mediates between engineering, architecture and marketing strategy. Along the multitude of redesigned media, a new corporate design was also inspired that unites these different worlds and positions Vizona as a competent centre. We have taken the “individual painting” of the projects literally for this. In addition, a distinctive illustration style, striking typography and self-confident wording characterise the new appearance.
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