
Curtain up

… for Vizo­na! With the shop fit­ting spe­cia­list from Weil am Rhein, intel­li­gent, design-ori­en­ted retail solu­ti­ons for sec­tors such as auto­mo­ti­ve, fashion, beau­ty and hos­pi­ta­li­ty beco­me rea­li­ty. All over the world and with an indi­vi­du­al touch. Our con­tri­bu­ti­on to com­mu­ni­ca­ting the company’s strengths in a wort­hy and memo­rable way: long-term stra­te­gic sup­port, set­ting up new acqui­si­ti­on tools, indus­try inter­views, editing, copy­wri­ting and a holi­stic com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design for ana­lo­gue and digi­tal media.

Content strategy and new knowledge platform

A new land­scape of trade is emer­ging. And its boun­da­ries are far from being defi­ned. The Zeit­geist seg­ment is an inter­view for­mat and know­ledge plat­form that brings tog­e­ther indus­try opi­ni­on lea­ders with peo­p­le from the frin­ges of retail and are­as such as art and digi­tal tech­no­lo­gy to dis­cuss ide­as for the future. First stop: lear­ning from hotels. Edi­ted and desi­gned by ate­lier 522, free­ly acces­si­ble to all who seek inspi­ra­ti­on out­side the mainstream.

Corporate Publishing

The per­fect stage for the high­lights from a who­le year of shop­fit­ting exper­ti­se: a refe­rence bro­chu­re that also encou­ra­ges the crea­ti­on of sen­su­al spaces in two dimen­si­ons. A hap­tic expe­ri­ence with which Vizo­na con­quers the stages of this world and posi­ti­ons its­elf as a “stage buil­der” for brand sta­gings and as a mate­ri­al expert. We have not only given the print work a new form, artis­tic con­tent and inter­views with well-known faces in the indus­try, but also the appro­pria­te name: “Stages”.

Web design and digital sales tools

How do you get people’s atten­ti­on in the digi­tal age? With digi­tal con­tent that makes the charm of ana­lo­gue media and the mate­ri­al worlds in which Vizo­na moves, digi­tal­ly tan­gi­ble. Hand dra­wings and the colourful­ness of the refe­rence bro­chu­re “Stages” and other sales mate­ri­als were har­mo­nious­ly trans­fer­red to the web­site and lead through the enti­re brand pre­sence of Vizo­na as aes­the­tic uni­que sel­ling points. All the way to the indus­try-spe­ci­fic trend report.

With the “Zeit­geist” seg­ment, a new for­mat was also deve­lo­ped that brings tog­e­ther peo­p­le from dif­fe­rent are­as such as art, tech­no­lo­gy or busi­ness to dis­cuss and phi­lo­so­phise about the edges of retail. And to actively shape the future of sta­tio­na­ry trade tog­e­ther with experts and opi­ni­on lea­ders from the retail industry.

Corporate Design

Vizo­na media­tes bet­ween engi­nee­ring, archi­tec­tu­re and mar­ke­ting stra­tegy. Along the multi­tu­de of rede­si­gned media, a new cor­po­ra­te design was also inspi­red that unites the­se dif­fe­rent worlds and posi­ti­ons Vizo­na as a com­pe­tent cent­re. We have taken the “indi­vi­du­al pain­ting” of the pro­jects lite­ral­ly for this. In addi­ti­on, a distinc­ti­ve illus­tra­ti­on style, striking typo­gra­phy and self-con­fi­dent wor­ding cha­rac­te­ri­se the new appearance.

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