

Tim­e­l­ess­ness and adap­ta­bi­li­ty – a pair that does not always easi­ly go tog­e­ther. But in Dür­men­tin­gen, Swa­bia, they are suc­cessful­ly mar­ried. The fur­ni­tu­re manu­fac­tu­rer Kett­na­ker has been deve­lo­ping and manu­fac­tu­ring sys­tem fur­ni­tu­re here for 150 years. Each of them a uni­que pie­ce adapt­ed to the cli­ente­le and yet with a com­mon design basis. This also wants to be told, which is why we have star­ted rede­sig­ning the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on to tar­get cus­to­mers and the trade.

Innovations by the metre

Every year, Kett­na­ker brings new deve­lo­p­ments to the fur­ni­tu­re mar­ket. For this pur­po­se, a new bro­chu­re was nee­ded that – han­dy and of high qua­li­ty – would pro­vi­de dea­lers with an over­view and cus­to­mers with inspi­ra­ti­on for their living spaces. In our hands, the bro­chu­re beca­me a lepo­rel­lo with a pan­o­r­amic cha­rac­ter. Over two met­res long, the ran­ge of fur­ni­tu­re and styl­es can be lite­ral­ly unfold­ed befo­re everyone’s eyes. Or leaf through it like a book. The intel­li­gent fol­ding makes it possible.


Clear idea

Peo­p­le sleep on the front pages and live on the back. And bet­ween the impres­si­ve­ly staged pho­to­graphs, the ever­y­day life in them sud­den­ly beco­mes con­cre­te and ima­gi­nable in short texts. At the same time, the lay­out reflects the modu­la­ri­ty and fle­xi­bi­li­ty of the pro­ducts. The colours were ori­en­ted to the sur­faces. In addi­ti­on, a new type­face and a manu­al for the house font were crea­ted. Inclu­ding pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the digi­tal channels.

Name development with a wink

What do you call a novel­ty maga­zi­ne that is allo­wed to chan­ge its for­mat every year and yet should remain reco­g­nisable? Seve­ral sug­ges­ti­ons land on the table. In the end, the cli­ent cou­ra­ge­ous­ly deci­des on our favou­ri­te: “Karl” – the first name that runs through all five gene­ra­ti­ons of the fami­ly busi­ness. Lay­out and typo­gra­phy addi­tio­nal­ly set the sce­ne. Char­ming, human and yet busi­ness­li­ke. Sim­ply a good one, this Karl.

Novelty brochure, Kettnaker

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