

Anyo­ne who wants to look at spaces from a dif­fe­rent ang­le needs ide­as. And pro­ducts that turn them into new rea­li­ties. Häfe­le sup­pli­es both. The com­pa­ny is a spe­cia­list in hard­ware tech­no­lo­gy and elec­tro­nic locking sys­tems and knows about the adjus­ting screws that need to be tur­ned in order to bring about las­ting chan­ge. And we know about the power of images. And lan­guage. A tru­ly space-chan­ging sym­bio­sis that has found expres­si­on in bro­chu­res and image films.

Entering new creative spaces

Häfe­le sup­pli­es cus­to­mers all over the world with intel­li­gent solu­ti­ons from the nor­t­hern Black Forest. We made sure that two pro­ducts were also visual­ly memo­rable. The Slido Wall, a mobi­le par­ti­ti­on wall that com­bi­nes tech­no­lo­gy with design in a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent way than pre­vious­ly known. And Start­ec Frame Fix. Inno­va­ti­ve door frames as a sus­tainable alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal foam moun­ting. We have given both pro­ducts a clean com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design. One that appeals to archi­tects, inves­tors, hote­liers and other ope­ra­tors and craft­smen. And car­ri­es them fur­ther – into sphe­res of new appli­ca­ti­on possibilities.



Slido Wall trans­forms rooms into atmo­sphe­res. When the mobi­le par­ti­ti­ons are moved, new inte­res­t­ing flo­or plans are crea­ted. That is why the Slido bro­chu­re also reflects the moving space. Images and texts show and are them­sel­ves in moti­on. Dif­fe­rent for­mats and papers play with each other. The view­er leafs through an inspi­ring and hap­ti­cal­ly appe­al­ing mosaic. The Start­ec Frame Fix bro­chu­re, on the other hand, is a mesh of aes­the­tic appli­ca­ti­on images that, wit­hout frills – but with a subt­le wink – picks up on the needs of craft­smen and women and puts them in the spotlight.


Slido Wall chan­ges rooms not only in size. The ambi­ence, the sound of the room, the light, the nuan­ces also chan­ge with the size of the room. Con­trasts emer­ge. Loud and quiet, light and dark mer­ge. Tran­si­ti­ons that are reflec­ted in our 3D ren­de­rings for the web­site and as key visu­als. Our 3D visua­li­sa­ti­ons for Start­ec Frame Fix are also based on the exis­ting cor­po­ra­te design manu­al, which we gave the design frame­work it deser­ves by adding noble shades of grey.


Slido Wall moves. The striking line gra­phics are based on the con­tents of the bro­chu­re and run through the enti­re pro­duct film. Gra­phic mini­ma­lism with its own rhythm, invi­ting views and insights and whet­ting the appe­ti­te for new spa­ti­al arran­ge­ments. In con­trast, Start­ec Frame Fix is a fil­mic con­trast pro­gram­me for which we pro­vi­ded the sto­ry­board based on the bro­chu­re. Here, a lively and colourful impres­si­on, pai­red with subt­le humour and rele­vant facts, was the direc­tor. A suc­cessful com­po­si­ti­on that con­vin­ced the professionals.

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