
Breathing space

Jum­ping from the car direct­ly into the moun­tain lake. Break away from fami­li­ar struc­tures – sim­ply take a brea­ther. With the feel-good cam­pers from Mer­ce­des-Benz, you can go on a spon­ta­neous, sty­lish and fle­xi­ble adven­ture tour. For the brand pre­sen­ta­ti­on at the “Suis­se Cara­van Salon”, the com­pa­ny con­fi­dent­ly pla­ced the crea­ti­ve work in our hands. A wel­co­me invi­ta­ti­on to us free spi­rits. This is exact­ly the fee­ling we put into the trade fair design: 360° pan­ora­mas let the lively holi­day fee­ling appear in its enti­re­ty. All accor­ding to the mot­to: The way is the goal.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
407 sqm
Con­s­truc­tion time:
3 days

Steady horizon change

Ele­gant, under­sta­ted and for that very reason incre­di­bly appe­al­ing: the­se feel-good loun­ges on four wheels are in a class of their own. Attri­bu­tes that we trans­fer­red to the trade fair area in line with the exis­ting cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty gui­de­lines. Based on the spi­rit of dis­co­very of the Mer­ce­des-Benz “Mar­co Polo” series, our sto­ry­line made clear what free­dom real­ly feels like. Accom­pa­nied by opu­lent imagery, new hori­zons could be expe­ri­en­ced direct­ly. And which gave the who­le thing an attrac­ti­ve and at the same time uncon­ven­tio­nal frame­work at unu­su­al heights. Becau­se who wants to stay on the ground with their ideas?

In the footsteps of Marco Polo

In order to crea­te a direct link bet­ween the brand mes­sa­ge and the com­pa­ny head­quar­ters, we brought very spe­cial desti­na­ti­ons to the table car­to­gra­phi­cal­ly: four high­light rou­tes through Switz­er­land, which the Vene­ti­an mer­chant and adven­turer Mar­co Polo also tra­vel­led in the 13th cen­tu­ry. Imprin­ted ele­ments poin­ted the way to van­ta­ge plat­forms for more dre­a­my fore­sight or to exqui­si­te wine regi­ons and places that invi­te you to lin­ger for a while. A uni­que con­cept that has a las­ting effect not only becau­se of its materiality.

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