
at play

Sus­tainable work in inte­ri­or design has many facets – espe­ci­al­ly in retail design. Don’t we all want to pro­du­ce less was­te, earn more and always enjoy what sur­rounds us? In retail, we have to deal with eco­lo­gi­cal, eco­no­mic and social sus­taina­bi­li­ty issues. For the right ans­wers, we gene­ra­te a tim­e­l­ess stage that stages pro­ducts in a way that makes them fun and tells sto­ries. Like at the Hof­mann fashion stores in Laupheim.

Experience sees the patina on the new

Genui­ne mate­ri­als acqui­re an indi­vi­du­al pati­na with the years of life and stand up to stor­my expe­ri­en­ces unflin­chin­gly. Con­cre­te, steel, brick, felt and glass record and per­pe­tua­te histo­ry. Histo­ry has been writ­ten in Hofmann’s fashion stores sin­ce 1946. In recent years, we have re-set the stage for this and crea­ted space for high­lights at the point of sale. In two stores on a total of more than 1,500 squa­re met­res, modern and trend-con­scious mer­chan­di­se is pre­sen­ted in a high-qua­li­ty and tim­e­l­ess environment.

Radiate from within

Zoning and shop­fit­ting with well-pla­ced light­ing con­di­ti­ons ensu­re a plea­sura­ble shop­ping expe­ri­ence. Exci­ting sur­face struc­tures mark high­lights and pro­vi­de a frame­work for coll­ec­tions. The shop­fit­ting is desi­gned in such a way that it gives each pro­duct group the right set­ting and stages it bril­li­ant­ly. To achie­ve this, we lite­ral­ly advi­sed a major breakth­rough in advan­ce: the cei­ling on the ground flo­or was par­ti­al­ly remo­ved. As a result, the over­all archi­tec­tu­re with its dif­fe­rent levels and gal­le­ries can alre­a­dy be seen from the ent­rance. This makes you want to go on a dis­co­very tour with an urban touch – on polished screed flo­ors, bet­ween expo­sed con­cre­te walls and expo­sed ven­ti­la­ti­on technology.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
1,500 sqm

With love for the senses

Back wall sys­tems and fur­ni­tu­re in the midd­le of the room were deve­lo­ped from scratch, lea­ving ple­nty of scope for sta­ging and deco­ra­ti­on. Old cast-iron indus­tri­al win­dows and upcy­cled wood were used on the jeans wall. The mate­ri­als used con­vey a pure, authen­tic fee­ling to the space. And we also pro­vi­ded a mul­ti-sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence when pay­ing at the check­out coun­ter. The con­trast bet­ween smooth wood as a sup­port and the rough and gra­phi­cal­ly struc­tu­red base made of bricks remains in the memory.

Less shows more

It’s not just the beau­tiful atmo­sphe­re that invi­tes you to lin­ger. The gra­phi­cal­ly simp­le gui­dance sys­tem of our com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gners skilful­ly leads you through all levels of Hofmann’s shop­ping world. The indi­vi­du­al brand pre­sen­ces are gra­phi­cal­ly inte­gra­ted just as astu­te­ly in the shop­fit­ting and crea­te clear order.

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