Glas Marte

Freedom and encounter

As mal­leable as alu­mi­ni­um – as resistant as gra­ni­te. Only glass can do that. The Glas Mar­te com­pa­ny has con­s­truc­tion exper­ti­se at the hig­hest level. Whe­ther over­si­zed for­mats, unex­pec­ted are­as of appli­ca­ti­on or all-glass con­s­truc­tion – the com­pa­ny responds to all requi­re­ments with inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies, indi­vi­du­al designs and paten­ted pro­ducts. Abo­ve all, howe­ver, it under­stands the lan­guage of aes­the­tics. Just like us.

Print gives a deep insight

Glas Mar­te pro­ducts have a spe­cial appeal for archi­tects and plan­ners, becau­se their unmist­aka­ble aes­the­tics and inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy allow a high degree of design free­dom. In order to streng­then the tech­ni­cal com­pe­tence of Glas Mar­te among the tar­get groups, we deve­lo­ped a bro­chu­re that does trans­pa­rent jus­ti­ce to the company’s cla­im. The result is an ele­gant refe­rence work, honed from high-qua­li­ty pro­ducts, expres­si­ve refe­rence pho­to­graphs and texts with a sharp pen.


Space for reflections

Modern archi­tec­tu­re pre­fers open, free living spaces. With the image bro­chu­re, we have cap­tu­red the pul­se of the times wit­hout fur­ther ado and put it on paper. With a mini­ma­list-redu­ced design and refi­ned details in the finis­hing. Hot foil stam­ping on the soft cover, shor­ten­ed inner pages, par­ti­al­ly appli­ed, full-sur­face var­nis­hing for “reflec­tions” on the sur­face – and an airy inter­play of tech­ni­cal details, sket­ches and impres­si­ve archi­tec­tu­ral shots such as of the Kunst­haus Bre­genz or the Werk­raum Andelsbuch.


Every ad a poem

Do you real­ly have to show what is bare­ly visi­ble any­way? Not as long as you dare to use strong words. And Glas Mar­te dared: bet­ween three con­cepts, it cho­se a way for the new ad design that was as striking as it was lyri­cal. The repe­ti­ti­ve typo­gra­phy con­cept con­trasts the colourful adver­ti­sing canon on online plat­forms and in maga­zi­nes with sober glass poems – small poe­tic out­bursts included. As the James Bond of glass manu­fac­tu­r­ers, the com­pa­ny is able to free­ly and self-evi­dent­ly posi­ti­on its com­pe­ten­ces and a clear mes­sa­ge: We are glass. Glass Marte.

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