Squa­ring the wheel

Here, ever­yo­ne from tech­no­lo­gy-loving road cyclists to adre­na­line-dri­ven downhil­lers can get up to speed. With its Rock­S­h­ox, Zipp and Ham­mer­head brands, SRAM offers its usu­al strong tech­no­lo­gies that meet the indi­vi­du­al demands of every biker. New limits, new ways, new solu­ti­ons: Whe­ther rough or sleek, whe­ther in the moun­ta­ins or rather on the road – the right mate­ri­al for the desi­red area and place of use is important. It has to be indi­vi­du­al, modu­lar and sus­tainable – enough sus­pen­si­on tra­vel if your curio­si­ty takes you off the bea­ten track.

Endless possibilities for top performances

It is the­r­e­fo­re only logi­cal that the new exhi­bi­ti­on stand con­cept also fol­lows this gui­ding prin­ci­ple and com­bi­nes all requi­re­ments. Sus­tainable mate­ri­als domi­na­te the modu­lar and mova­ble pre­sen­ta­ti­on ele­ments in the form of woo­den boxes, flight cases and dis­plays of various sizes. Ever­y­thing is illu­mi­na­ted and can be indi­vi­du­al­ly equip­ped for pro­ducts, images, screens and high­light presentations.

The over­se­as con­tai­ner pla­ced in the midd­le of the exhi­bi­ti­on area func­tions mul­ti­func­tion­al­ly as a pre­sen­ta­ti­on area, mee­ting room and bar at the same time.

Total area:
550 sqm
July 2022
Con­s­truc­tion time:
3 months
atelier522-SRAM-Eurobike 2022-Frame

Indi­vi­du­al, modu­lar and sustainable

Plug-and-play: Each flight case box can not only be illu­mi­na­ted, it also has an exch­an­geable back panel for chan­ging pro­duct dis­plays and gra­phics. On top of that, the base pla­tes are made of per­fo­ra­ted grids. This makes it very easy to set up new pro­duc­tions wit­hout much effort. The light pop­lar wood of the flight cases also gua­ran­tees easy hand­ling. A strong brand gim­mick: all spi­ral cables and the red hea­vy-duty wheels are in the CI colours of the brand.

atelier522-SRAM-Eurobike 2022 booth
atelier522-SRAM-Eurobike 2018-03
atelier522-SRAM-Eurobike 2018-01
Eurobike 2018

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