Ceramic District

Making the
invisible visible.

Shaped, pres­sed, con­vey­ed. Liquid beco­mes solid, fine beco­mes hard … every tile has two sides. That of the sur­face and that of its manu­fac­tu­re. The new Cera­mic Dis­trict con­cept from the Steu­ler Tile Group empha­si­s­es this dua­li­ty and brings what takes place in bet­ween to the architect’s plans. But how do you com­mu­ni­ca­te a pro­duct line that was pre­vious­ly com­ple­te­ly invi­si­ble? By under­stan­ding the pro­duct its­elf as a valuable raw mate­ri­al. Some­thing that wants to be touch­ed, work­ed on and refi­ned. Pho­to­gra­phi­cal­ly, crea­tively and in terms of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on stra­tegy. Two‑, three- and four-dimen­sio­nal. In the form of cor­po­ra­te design and busi­ness sta­tio­nery that makes the authen­ti­ci­ty of the mate­ri­al visi­ble in every con­ceiva­ble facet.

Image film

Natu­ral mate­ri­als that are by no means rigid in their pre­sen­ta­ti­on, but seek the lime­light. Pre­sen­ted in a sphe­ri­cal image film, straight from the fac­to­ry halls. Star­ring: Clay, feld­spar, quartz and kao­lin. To offer them the per­fect stage, we lite­ral­ly immer­sed our­sel­ves in their world. We fol­lo­wed them through the drum mills and the 120-met­re-long kiln. A cus­to­mer jour­ney of a spe­cial kind. Espe­ci­al­ly becau­se the sto­ry­board, pro­duc­tion and on-site sta­ging all came from one ate­lier 522 cast.

Lively corporate design

A busi­ness design through which the liveli­ne­ss of the mate­ri­al seems to beco­me rea­li­ty. Unagi­ta­ted and yet full of sur­face ten­si­on. As busi­ness cards, sta­tio­nery and image bro­chu­re – based on Gmund Urban Cement Grey, for which stone dust was spe­ci­al­ly extra­c­ted from an Aus­tri­an quar­ry. The sur­face and colou­ring are remi­nis­cent of the “favou­ri­te ingre­di­ents” of con­tem­po­ra­ry mas­ter buil­ders. An architect’s dream come true with an authen­tic feel. Ano­ther defi­ning high­light: our sam­ple box as a sales tool. With per­fect­ly shaped tiles in matching coll­ec­tion colours.

Digital Sales Tool

Com­mu­ni­ca­te fle­xi­bly on all chan­nels. We have added a new dimen­si­on to the sales bro­chu­re so that sales can stay in dia­lo­gue not only in ana­lo­gue but also in digi­tal form. Whe­ther via home office, on the road or on the other side of the world: the new sales bro­chu­res make an impres­si­on – and wit­hout any phy­si­cal presence.

Strong communication surface

Alt­hough cera­mics are alre­a­dy sus­tainable by natu­re, the Steu­ler Tile Group has taken the issue of sus­taina­bi­li­ty one step fur­ther with smar­ti­les. Whe­ther in hotels and restau­rants, fur­ni­tu­re stores and kit­chen stu­di­os, retail out­lets, trade fair stands or pri­va­te homes: the cera­mic flo­or tiles ensu­re a strong appearance in any envi­ron­ment. The tiles can be exch­an­ged and repla­ced sel­ec­tively wit­hout the addi­tio­nal use of adhe­si­ve or mortar.

For Ger­ma­ny-wide com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, we deve­lo­ped and imple­men­ted a pro­duct bro­chu­re with equal­ly smart con­tent and a cha­rac­terful exte­ri­or. One that appeals to archi­tects, buil­ders and fabri­ca­tors ali­ke. And pro­vi­des gui­dance. To make the sub­ject mat­ter per­fect­ly com­pre­hen­si­ble, we work­ed with simp­le yet meaningful texts and icons, gra­phic repre­sen­ta­ti­ons and aes­the­tic ren­de­rings that con­vey the mes­sa­ge behind the pro­duct at a glan­ce. In short: a sleek pro­duct bro­chu­re as a strong com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on surface.

Sample valid sample box

Unob­tru­si­ve­ly beau­tiful – the Cera­mic Dis­trict sam­ple box. An aes­the­tic sales tool that can be indi­vi­du­al­ly equip­ped accor­ding to the customer’s wis­hes. So in the end, every tile finds the right place. And if the space is some­what lar­ger due to finer tile thic­k­nes­ses, our enc­lo­sed cards pro­vi­de a reme­dy by fil­ling the free space with con­tent – in the truest sen­se of the word.

Genui­ne collector’s items that sus­tain­ab­ly show off the cos­mos of tile in the smal­lest of spaces. The inspi­ra­tio­nal box is roun­ded off by a foldable pro­duct fly­er that pres­ents sel­ec­ted samples from various collections.

Everything can, nothing must.

What does the sales depart­ment need to per­form indi­vi­du­al­ly and fle­xi­bly for the cus­to­mer? A tool that has it all. Modu­lar and super fle­xi­ble. Whe­ther for inspi­ra­ti­on or for a spe­ci­fic cus­to­mer request, whe­ther brand pre­sen­ta­ti­on, pro­duct ran­ge over­view or tech­ni­cal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons – the con­tents of the fol­der box can be sup­ple­men­ted or mini­mi­sed as requi­red. This is ensu­red by the fol­der with its black ring mecha­nism. The design high­lights are the invi­si­ble magne­tic clo­sure, the choice of the mate­ri­al grey card­board, which is not only a par­ti­cu­lar­ly robust recy­cled pro­duct, but is used pre­cis­e­ly when fle­xi­bi­li­ty is requi­red and the deep embos­sing on the box.

For­mal­ly, the box was adapt­ed to a fol­der height and can thus be trans­por­ted won­derful­ly easi­ly. It is also easi­ly repro­du­ci­b­le. A clear win-win situation.



Every archi­tec­tu­re speaks its very own lan­guage. To strike the right note, com­po­si­ti­on plays a decisi­ve role. Tiles are the hard core of beau­ty. They shape. Crea­te space. Give shape and open up worlds for inspi­ra­ti­on and vision.

Trade fair design you can touch

Beau­ty in detail at the Euro­Shop in Düs­sel­dorf. Plat­form for deeper exch­an­ge bet­ween pro­duc­tion and use of Cera­mic Dis­trict. The­re was a lot here that touch­ed and wan­ted to be touch­ed. Big bags in minia­tu­re with raw mate­ri­als, for exam­p­le. Or fine bowls with striking pig­ment colours. Sus­taina­bi­li­ty “Made in Ger­ma­ny”. All this was accom­pa­nied by digi­tal video feeds that pre­sen­ted the pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses in all their purity.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
70 sqm
Con­s­truc­tion time:
3 weeks

Pop-up showroom

Por­ce­lain stone­wa­re that not only works, but lives. With the Cera­mic Dis­trict Show­room at the imm colo­gne, we have crea­ted hap­tic-visu­al expe­ri­en­ces. Up clo­se. Tan­gi­ble. Ana­lo­gue and digi­tal. Based on the pro­duc­tion method, we have com­po­sed nar­ra­ti­ve sto­ries that open the door to Germany’s most modern por­ce­lain stone­wa­re factory.

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