
Buil­ding enve­lo­pes and living spaces

Buil­dings enca­sed in the finest fib­re cement. As lea­ding pro­du­cers of fib­re cement pro­ducts, Swis­spearl stands for qua­li­ty, dura­bi­li­ty, inno­va­ti­on, aes­the­tics and respon­si­bi­li­ty towards peo­p­le and natu­re. For the launch of new faça­de panels, we have deve­lo­ped pro­duct cam­paigns that make the fib­re cement panels objects of desi­re. For archi­tects all over the world. And for all styl­es: from tech­no­id and urban to clas­sic Bau­haus style and purist designs.

Digital stage

How do you crea­te a stage that can be used glo­bal­ly and that makes it pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence the mul­ti-laye­red pro­duct ran­ge of the Swis­spearl brand? The ans­wer is a user expe­ri­ence that pro­vi­des indi­vi­du­al access to the world of Swisspearl’s sur­face and colour ranges.



atelier522-Swisspearl-Website-Rendering House

Product campaign

“Add a plus to your faca­de”. We deve­lo­ped a coher­ent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on packa­ge for the lar­ge-for­mat fib­re cement board with an opaque coa­ting “Zen­or”, from the cla­im to the visu­al lan­guage, the pro­duct slip­ca­se, fly­er, web­site and social media con­tent. A plus on the faça­de – and in the design.

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atelier522_Eternit-Zenor_Flyer back page copy

Out of the Box

For all four pro­duct lines, we have deve­lo­ped slip­ca­ses and pro­duct fol­ders that empha­sise the respec­ti­ve cha­rac­ter and gain the trust of poten­ti­al cus­to­mers. The sel­ec­tion of high-qua­li­ty mate­ri­als and the modern design empha­sise the high qua­li­ty of Swis­spearl pro­ducts. The modu­lar and fle­xi­ble fol­ders can be easi­ly adapt­ed to dif­fe­rent acqui­si­ti­on situa­tions. A clear struc­tu­re of the infor­ma­ti­on and inte­gra­ted sam­ple com­part­ments faci­li­ta­te a con­vin­cing pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­on. Envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly and recy­clable mate­ri­als have been used to crea­te a las­ting impression.

atelier522-Swisspearl-Nobilis 12 plates in a circle

The target group in view

Cat­chy key visu­als, appe­al­ing pack­a­ging designs and pro­duct vide­os – coher­ent over­all con­cepts that for­med the foun­da­ti­on for the pro­duct cam­paigns of the “Gra­vi­al” and “Vin­ta­go” series. And we also deve­lo­ped a sui­ta­ble com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on for the new colour ran­ge of the exis­ting pro­duct lines “Nobi­lis” and “Ter­ra” and impres­si­ve­ly staged the colour spectrum.

Motion Design

A gra­phic col­la­ge con­sis­ting of cut-outs of dif­fe­rent colou­red Vin­ta­go panels – put tog­e­ther to crea­te a cha­ris­ma­tic ani­ma­ti­on. A pro­duct video with reco­gni­ti­on value. Here, too, we take up the archi­tec­tu­ral style in the con­text of pure natu­ral­ness – sur­roun­ded by an alpi­ne moun­tain pan­ora­ma. Spa­ti­al. Three-dimen­sio­nal. An eye-cat­cher. Just like the film about the Gra­vi­al panels from Swis­spearl. Things work dif­fer­ent­ly here.


Soak up the sun

Cat­chy key visu­als, appe­al­ing pack­a­ging designs and pro­duct vide­os – coher­ent over­all con­cepts that for­med the foun­da­ti­on for the pro­duct cam­paigns of the “Gra­vi­al” and “Vin­ta­go” series. And we also deve­lo­ped a sui­ta­ble com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on for the new colour ran­ge of the exis­ting pro­duct lines “Nobi­lis” and “Ter­ra” and impres­si­ve­ly staged the colour spectrum.

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