Bette Places

Inspi­ra­tio­nal Worlds

Gent­le as a fea­ther – migh­ty as a rock. Water has always been an ele­men­tal force. An ele­ment that pro­vi­des both strength and rege­ne­ra­ti­on. Bet­te con­nects peo­p­le and water. With archi­tec­tu­ral bath­room ele­ments that inspi­re and acti­va­te; that crea­te soot­hing ritu­als of expe­ri­ence through flowing design lan­guage in the hig­hest pre­cis­i­on craft­sman­ship. A pro­mi­se we con­ver­ted into some­thing that could be expe­ri­en­ced with all the sen­ses in the new Bet­te­Places show­room – online, off­line and bet­ween the lines. 

Bathroom architecture in another dimension

Whe­ther cubo­id archi­tec­tu­re in the midst of snow-cover­ed moun­tain sce­n­ery around the natu­ral regi­on of Tokyo or geo­me­tric shapes futu­risti­cal­ly embedded in stony ter­rain, loca­ted some­whe­re on an ali­en pla­net: artis­tic, expe­ri­men­tal and sur­pri­sing, Bet­te­Places com­bi­nes pro­duct design and archi­tec­tu­re to crea­te a point of attrac­tion of the finest mat­ter. With a total of 16 micro-hou­ses and other high­light are­as such as the work tables, which bring the path from raw mate­ri­al to finis­hed pro­duct from pro­duc­tion into the show­room. A jour­ney around the world on 1,800 squa­re met­res, which we also made pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence online with the appro­pria­te social media stra­tegy and the cor­re­spon­ding microsite.


Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1–7
Total area:
1,800 sqm
Con­s­truc­tion time:
5 months

Micro hou­ses:
16 pie­ce

Bette AR Experience

Dis­co­ver what’s pos­si­ble: with the Bet­te AR Expe­ri­ence insi­de the show­room, you can dive even deeper into the Bet­te pro­duct world. A uni­ver­se of its own that com­bi­nes the ana­lo­gue and digi­tal worlds in an enter­tai­ning way. In which dif­fe­rent tech­ni­cal instal­la­ti­on situa­tions are demons­tra­ted rea­li­sti­cal­ly and visu­al sen­so­ry per­cep­ti­on is sti­mu­la­ted with playful ele­ments such as AR fil­ters: Sim­ply scan the QR code and you are right in the midd­le of the inter­ac­ti­ve bath­room experience.


Futuristic geometry

Geo­me­tric forms, futu­risti­cal­ly embedded in stony ter­rain. Here, pro­duct design and archi­tec­tu­re com­bi­ne expe­ri­men­tal­ly and artis­ti­cal­ly to crea­te a point of attrac­tion of the finest matter.

Gla­zed tita­ni­um steel and ele­gant stain­less steel – a com­bi­na­ti­on with sheer tim­e­l­ess radi­ance. With its shi­ny and reflec­ti­ve sur­faces, this mate­ri­al sel­ec­tion sets an aes­the­tic con­trast to the rough rock feel. A duo that seems to float abo­ve ever­y­thing and makes a state­ment in any case.


Perfect symmetry

Cubo­id archi­tec­tu­re in the midst of snow-cover­ed moun­tain sce­n­ery around Tokyo’s natu­re regi­on. Tra­di­tio­nal Japa­ne­se buil­dings reinter­pre­ted: mini­ma­list fur­nis­hings – cosy at the same time. A tim­e­l­ess retre­at, made enti­re­ly of spruce wood. Bla­cke­ned by the Yaki­su­gi tech­ni­que, which pre­ser­ves the buil­ding for deca­des. A respectful homage to cen­tu­ries-old knowledge.

Natu­ral mate­ri­als such as spruce wood and white ena­mel crea­te the basis for a warm and rela­xed bath­room set­ting. Com­bi­ned with dark smo­ked glass and soft cot­ton, the result is a natu­ral fusi­on of colours and tex­tures. Gent­le purism that exu­des plea­sant calm and modern restraint.

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Flowing spaces

The bath­room as a cos­mo­po­li­tan state­ment: some­whe­re bet­ween Miami Beach and Fisher Island. Floo­ded with light and made of tex­tu­red plas­ter, with the Bet­te­Lux Oval as the cen­tral archi­tec­tu­ral high­light. This is whe­re the dai­ly beau­ty rou­ti­ne starts – this is whe­re the day ends on a rela­xed note. Favou­ri­te pro­ducts are cele­bra­ted and expres­si­ve bathing ele­ments with their orga­nic lan­guage of form are smooth­ly staged. For cul­ti­va­ted moments of well-being.


Traditional modernity

Light­ness and fle­xi­bi­li­ty in the sign of Japa­ne­se design. High-qua­li­ty mate­ri­als such as oak crea­te the basis for this, set­ting the sce­ne for the bath­room inte­ri­or in matt black in a mini­ma­list yet expres­si­ve way. A high-con­trast com­po­si­ti­on that con­ti­nues in the gent­le play of light and shadow.
The power of balan­ce – mir­rored with warm wood, marb­le, black ena­mel and Cori­an. An aes­the­tic over­all arran­ge­ment that takes up the essence of Japa­ne­se cul­tu­re and reinter­prets it. For natu­ral­ly rege­ne­ra­ti­ve moments of well-being.

Balanced contrasts

Rammed clay – the archi­tec­tu­ral soul of Moroc­can urba­ni­ty. A source of inspi­ra­ti­on of natu­ral ori­gin, which forms an ide­al mate­ri­al com­po­si­ti­on with glass and tita­ni­um-steel and their com­pounds, which are also pure and found in natu­re. This is whe­re the cir­cle bet­ween form-giving archi­tec­tu­re and Bet­te pro­ducts closes.
In short, a stage for icons: With its spe­cial sur­face struc­tu­re, the tra­di­tio­nal clay con­s­truc­tion crea­tes an extra­or­di­na­ry pre­sen­ta­ti­on sur­face. Here, the bath ele­ments with their par­ti­al­ly cylind­ri­cal bodies of gla­zed tita­ni­um steel radia­te ele­gant naturalness.

Monumental aesthetics

Lively sur­faces, har­mo­nious nuan­ces and soft design lan­guages united in the play of light and shadow. Clay tiles with their elon­ga­ted shape are the ide­al com­ple­ment to the orga­nic body of the Bet­te bath­tub. Insi­de the room, black marb­le fur­ni­tu­re cap­tures light and water. Cur­ved steel builds the visi­ble bridge to the arched archi­tec­tu­re with grai­ny paint.

Vast waters, rough rocks and fine desert sand – Alexandria’s impo­sing archi­tec­tu­re has withs­tood its natu­ral envi­ron­ment for cen­tu­ries in some cases. Func­tion­al aes­the­tics that inspi­re sta­ble and dura­ble bath­room architecture.

The astro­no­mer Johan­nes Kep­ler dis­co­ver­ed the ellip­ti­cal shape of the pla­nets’ orbits as a natu­ral prin­ci­ple of natu­re at the begin­ning of the 17th cen­tu­ry. A con­tour that flat­ters the body and har­mo­nious­ly com­bi­nes archi­tec­tu­re inspi­red by anti­qui­ty with modern bath­room interiors.