
Sen­se and sensuality

The histo­ry of bathing takes us back to ear­ly advan­ced civi­li­sa­ti­ons. Archaeo­lo­gi­cal finds pro­ve that the palaces of the rulers of Meso­po­ta­mia alre­a­dy had bath­rooms in 4500 BC. And the cul­tures that fol­lo­wed, both Greek and Roman, also atta­ched gre­at importance to bathing cul­tu­re. Whe­ther bathing its­elf was attri­bu­ted a heal­ing and nur­tu­ring effect or the bathing temp­le was cho­sen as a sen­su­al place of encoun­ter – bathing is still an inte­gral part of our his­to­ri­cal cul­tu­re and con­nects peo­p­le with water. A con­nec­tion that Bet­te has mas­te­red down to the last detail. With archi­tec­tu­ral bathing ele­ments that crea­te soot­hing ritu­als of expe­ri­ence through a flowing lan­guage of form and the hig­hest pre­cis­i­on craftsmanship.

BettePlaces floor plan

Showroom BettePlaces

Artis­tic, expe­ri­men­tal and sur­pri­sing, places of enjoy­ment were trans­for­med into exclu­si­ve places of exch­an­ge. Bet­te revi­ta­li­ses the uni­ver­se of bath­room archi­tec­tu­re as host of the Bet­te­Places show­room. Sur­roun­ded by a spe­cial sce­n­ery, we show in ate­lier 522 on 1,800 squa­re met­res how good design can bring ever­y­thing tog­e­ther – ana­lo­gue and digi­tal. With a total of 16 micro hou­ses and other high­light are­as such as the work tables, which bring the path from raw mate­ri­al to finis­hed pro­duct from pro­duc­tion into the showroom.
atelier522-Bed Anti-Slip Sense-Key Visual

Fluent communication campaigns

To match the brand’s new anti-slip sur­face, we deve­lo­ped a com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on cam­paign in addi­ti­on to the appro­pria­te name – inclu­ding a refres­hing cla­im, film, key visu­al and micro­si­te. Aes­the­tic crea­ti­ve work that goes down like warm water. Immer­se yours­elf in the mul­ti­face­ted world of Bette.

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For a lasting impression

What do shoe pro­files for moun­tai­nee­ring, foot­ball or ten­nis have in com­mon with the anti-slip Sen­se sur­face from Bet­te? Noti­ceable grip on the feet. Bet­te Anti-Slip Sen­se is the latest evo­lu­ti­on in slip resis­tance. A USP that nee­ded to be pre­sen­ted in a tan­gi­ble way. Imple­men­ted in the form of an appro­pria­te name and two com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on cam­paigns – inclu­ding refres­hing claims, film, key visu­al and micro­si­te. Aes­the­tic crea­ti­ve work that goes down like warm water.

Factory tour

Take a look behind the sce­nes. See and under­stand how gla­zed tita­ni­um steel is brought to life. The­re, whe­re high-tech and manu­al work interlock in a fine­ly tun­ed way. At the Del­brück site, Bet­te manu­fac­tures bath ele­ments for sym­bio­tic archi­tec­tu­re, an aes­the­tic and tech­ni­cal unity of buil­ding shell and interior.

With a gui­ded tour of the Bet­te­Fac­to­ry, you can expe­ri­ence the pro­duc­tion pro­cess up clo­se. See how raw mate­ri­als are tur­ned into a finis­hed design object in various pro­duc­tion steps. Grasp mate­ri­als, feel sur­faces and hear the pro­duc­tion sounds of high-tech machi­nes. We have also brea­thed life into this spe­cial world and made it attrac­ti­ve for visi­tors in the form of wall dis­plays and signage.


Nuances are allowed

Expres­si­ve, tim­e­l­ess and mini­ma­list: bath­rooms desi­gned in mono­chro­me are popu­lar. They make small bath­rooms in par­ti­cu­lar appear lar­ger and brigh­ter and are easy to deco­ra­te and com­bi­ne. No won­der Bet­te also goes for mono­chro­me when it comes to bath­room archi­tec­tu­re. With the opti­on of ena­mel­led covers for was­te and over­flow fit­tings in eight trend colours, Bet­te is crea­ting the con­di­ti­ons for this. We were respon­si­ble for the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on of the new bath­room worlds as well as the design – online, off­line and inbetween.