Gradmann 1864

From fragrances and

A world of a thousand fra­gran­ces and inspi­ra­ti­ons. Attrac­ti­ve and diver­se. Alre­a­dy in its fifth gene­ra­ti­on, Par­fü­me­rie Grad­mann 1864 invi­tes its cus­to­mers to expe­ri­ence the world of beau­ty with all our sen­ses. “The power of calm” – our design con­cept for the branch in Sin­gen in the CANO shop­ping cent­re makes zeit­geist tan­gi­ble. A har­mo­nious and modern inter­play of colours and mate­ri­als that appeals to young and old ali­ke and opens up a bath­room for the sen­ses. The result is that you can’t help but want to immer­se yours­elf skin and hair in the world of beau­ty and life­style products.

If you want to be beautiful, you can feel

In ele­ven per­fu­me­ries bet­ween the Con­s­tance head­quar­ters and Ess­lin­gen, the fami­ly-run com­pa­ny offers its cus­to­mers ever­y­thing that makes the beau­ty heart beat fas­ter in the are­as of make-up, fra­grance and care. This flair is also to be con­tin­ued in Singen’s city cent­re. On 400 squa­re met­res, the space con­cept with its high­light pla­ce­ments invi­tes you to dis­co­ver the world of Gradmann.


Shopping with all senses

An oasis for the sen­ses in the midd­le of the shop­ping mad­ness – a place of dece­le­ra­ti­on awaits cus­to­mers at Par­fü­me­rie Grad­mann 1864 – groun­ded and genui­ne. The oak ent­rance area marks the begin­ning, lea­ding into a shop­ping expe­ri­ence for the sen­ses. One that crea­tes a fee­ling of well-being on a gra­phic level with orga­nic shapes and soft pri­ma­ry colours, framed by a clear pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­on concept.

A natu­ral stage for pro­ducts and ser­vices, which pro­vi­de clear ori­en­ta­ti­on with cor­re­spon­ding area label­ling, brand dis­plays and shelf cove­rings. The fur­ni­tu­re is also authen­tic and attrac­ti­ve, loca­ted bet­ween lounge islands and spa­cious make-up are­as as addi­tio­nal expe­ri­ence are­as. The fabric of the shop win­dow curta­ins lends the enti­re sce­ne a gent­ly muted fee­ling of space.


Looked at

Playful, mini­ma­list and so beau­tiful that you just have to look. Lovin­g­ly desi­gned hand dra­wings throug­hout the store, such as on action boards, under­line the desi­red subt­le­ty and natu­ral­ness of the sales con­cept. Aes­the­tic eye-cat­chers that speak for them­sel­ves even wit­hout words. “All the varie­ty, all the charm and all the beau­ty of life are com­po­sed of light and shadow” (Leo Tol­s­toy). In this sen­se, the enti­re retail design shi­nes under a suc­cessful light­ing design.

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