novum magazine

The world as
we like it!

Fol­low your intui­ti­on. Take the plun­ge. Lis­ten to the inner voice. Just as it was natu­ral as a child. Dancing bare­foot across the mea­dow in the mor­ning dew – the first rays of sun on your nose. Diving down. How can rooms be trans­for­med into worlds of their own? Is the­re even enough space for gre­at adven­tures? Yes, the­re is! You just have to reco­g­ni­se them. We have the cover of the novum – World of Gra­phic Design as a tem­po­ra­ry play­ground for our ima­gi­na­ti­on. That’s what we should all do, by the way – sei­ze oppor­tu­ni­ties. Whe­re­ver the oppor­tu­ni­ty pres­ents its­elf. Let’s think big and wit­hout limits. Awa­ken the child in you.

Motion Design

“Art does not repro­du­ce the visi­ble. Art makes visi­ble.” A quo­te from the pain­ter and gra­phic artist Paul Klee. A good ani­ma­ti­on works accor­ding to the same prin­ci­ple. What should beco­me visi­ble? What would you rather play out in the back­ground? What streng­thens and what slows down the power of ima­gi­na­ti­on? What sto­ry should be told? And for whom? Let’s get going. Let’s move. But abo­ve all towards others.

Cover design

An award for every com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gner: the design of the maga­zi­ne cover of the novum – World of Gra­phic Design. We had the honour and were reward­ed twice. With the design of the front and the back. A litt­le gim­mick that has it all: We ani­ma­ted the title with a visua­li­sa­ti­on tool for mobi­le devices. By the way, we can also use it for mul­ti-dimen­sio­nal prin­ted pro­jects. Who likes first?

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Rooms become worlds

What would the world look like if ever­y­thing was just prac­ti­cal and logi­cal? Would the­re still be room for sweets and chain carou­sels? Isn’t it true that one would like to eat more ice cream and less spin­ach? We inspi­re and crea­te. We give ide­as space and form. Our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team con­sis­ting of pro­duct desi­gners, inte­ri­or desi­gners, archi­tects, phi­lo­so­phers, eco­no­mists, copy­wri­ters and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gners crea­te uni­que worlds in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on. And brea­the life into them. So that visi­ons beco­me beau­tiful new realities.

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