
of the fashion trade

Cus­to­mer Jour­ney – four-dimen­sio­nal sen­so­ry worlds ins­tead of two-dimen­sio­nal sup­p­ly-demand prin­ci­ple. The phi­lo­so­phy behind the con­ver­si­on of Europe’s lar­gest sports store was to break new ground and be a pio­neer. Sin­ce then, warehou­ses have been trans­for­med into high­light are­as, open spaces into bars, quiet cor­ners into real eye-cat­chers. With a love of detail, we are pro­mo­ting the meta­mor­pho­sis of sports and fashion retail in the heart of Mannheim.

Let the games begin!

Bet­ween gen­der split, hos­pi­ta­li­ty and sta­ging: the engel­horn sports store in Mannheim’s Qua­drat N5 is one of the lar­gest in Euro­pe. We gave our crea­ti­vi­ty free rein and rede­si­gned three flo­ors. Are­as beca­me worlds of their own – fluo­re­s­cent tubes beca­me gui­dance sys­tems that point the way. In this way, engel­horn has not only taken a new rou­te in terms of design, but also in terms of cus­to­mer expe­ri­ence. Cou­ra­ge­ous. And successful.

Customer Journey

Strong pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­ons wel­co­me cus­to­mers direct­ly: on the ground flo­or, bas­ket­ball, foot­ball and Style of Sports hit the heart of tren­dy sports jun­kies. In bet­ween, con­cre­te and metal. Or would you pre­fer yoga? One flo­or up, ladies can indul­ge their sport­ing pas­si­on wit­hout res­traint. Embedded in light, soft tones and mate­ri­als with spor­ty lines. The second flo­or has a mas­cu­li­ne atmo­sphe­re. Shades of grey and black make it easy to see that this is whe­re the men get their spor­ty groo­ve on. Bet­ween con­cre­te, mari­ti­me pine and rough ropes.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
4000 sqm

Pleasure for all senses

Expe­ri­ence the aes­the­tics of encoun­ter in the inter­me­dia­te zones. If you are loo­king for a small, but fine oasis of time-out during your shop­ping tour, you will find it on the top flo­or of the fashion house. Rela­xing and dis­co­ve­ring is defi­ni­te­ly encou­ra­ged. Over deli­cious cock­tails, for exam­p­le. The con­cept puts the bar­ten­ders in the cent­re of the action. For exci­ting insights and in the midst of lounge-typi­cal sere­ni­ty. Dark fur­ni­tu­re, gol­den high­lights, eth­nic accents and an atmo­sphe­ric light­ing con­cept crea­te an extra­or­di­na­ry ambience.

Look inside!

What’s han­ging from the cei­ling? Quite a lot! Ropes, for exam­p­le. Clim­bing ropes that you remem­ber from your school days. And they remind you a bit of Tar­zan. In any case, we have also thought of the appro­pria­te plants. But they can be found else­whe­re, as han­ging gar­dens. And if you pre­fer some­thing more down-to-earth, just look for the zebra crossing. It leads you direct­ly to the next high­light. The­re is ple­nty to dis­co­ver here …

Communication in space

Retail spaces are meant to inspi­re. Cata­pult us into other worlds. In the case of engel­horn, they even speak to you. In the form of casu­al illu­mi­na­ted let­te­ring, for exam­p­le. With equal­ly modern typo­gra­phy. We have com­ple­men­ted the set­ting with a sel­ec­tion of of pic­tures that take up the the­me of sport in an aes­the­tic way. They almost exu­de a gal­lery atmo­sphe­re. Sport can also be artistic.

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