Im Schussengarten

Mee­ting place

Spea­king a dialect and a for­eign lan­guage at the same time. Working glo­bal­ly and living local­ly. Rea­li­ties that have long cea­sed to be oppo­si­tes. Ins­tead, they are valuable com­ple­ments. Futu­ro­lo­gists even speak of the trend towards “glo­ca­li­sa­ti­on” – glo­ba­li­ty and loca­li­ty com­bi­ne to form a new third par­ty. This is the result of the gro­wing demand for home, love of the coun­try­si­de and neigh­bour­line­ss – for genui­ne tog­e­ther­ness. A visi­on we are only too hap­py to share. And we are alre­a­dy plan­ning it in Mecken­beu­ren in Upper Swabia.

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Being together

Living tog­e­ther in the neigh­bour­hood as a pos­si­ble form of housing for the future. After all, man has always been a glo­bal vil­la­ger. With intel­li­gent plan­ning con­cepts and smart designs that com­bi­ne the poten­ti­als of natu­re and tech­no­lo­gy, we trans­port this visi­on into the here and now. In an idyl­lic spot in the Upper Swa­bi­an town of Mecken­beu­ren, we are desig­ning and rea­li­sing this future sce­na­rio. Our goal: effi­ci­ent and sus­tainable uti­li­sa­ti­on of the land area to be built on in sym­bio­sis with exis­ting neigh­bou­ring buildings.


Intelligent settlement development

Chan­ging land­scape archi­tec­tu­re so that it meets the infra­struc­tu­ral, eco­lo­gi­cal and eco­no­mic needs of peo­p­le and the envi­ron­ment in equal mea­su­re. Intel­li­gent sett­le­ment deve­lo­p­ment in the con­text of fur­ther deve­lo­ped urban plan­ning. For us, this means not only clas­sic housing but abo­ve all the use of sus­tainable mate­ri­als such as local tim­ber. By using pho­to­vol­taic sys­tems and geo­ther­mal ener­gy, we also crea­te access to clean ener­gy and thus valuable living space for all resi­dents. Com­mu­ni­ty mee­ting places and green islands under­line the pro­ject as a real place of encoun­ter out­side one’s own four walls and thus ensu­re sus­tainable social inter­ac­tion for the neigh­bour­hood as well.

Per­for­mance phase:
Num­ber of flats:
48 (1−4 room flats) 
squa­re met­res of the superstructure:
GFA: 6650 sqm
Plan­ning period:
March 2019 – begin­ning 2025

Identity per square metre

Hea­vi­ly popu­la­ted are­as were and remain a motor for inte­rest, exch­an­ge and inno­va­ti­on. Desig­ning new buil­ding are­as is the­r­e­fo­re exci­ting and respon­si­ble at the same time. A balan­cing act that we mas­ter in Mecken­beu­ren with effi­ci­ent buil­ding and area struc­tures that both meet the demands on one’s own living space in terms of com­fort, tech­no­lo­gy and effi­ci­en­cy and pre­ser­ve exis­ting cul­tu­ral influen­ces. Regio­nal iden­ti­ty that is visi­ble and tan­gi­ble with every squa­re metre.

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