More room
for adventure

A mon­key, a hor­se and a who­le suit­ca­se full of gold pie­ces meet talen­ted and inven­ti­ve dare­de­vils with fan­ta­stic abili­ties, like tur­ning the day upsi­de down. The world of child­ren is free, explo­ra­ti­ve, wild, strong, intui­ti­ve and limit­less. Child­ren are immu­ne to prag­ma­tism and are a con­stant remin­der of what we used to want to be. So what could be more exci­ting than being able to see the world through children’s eyes?

Discover with all senses

The MUKS – Muse­um for Cul­tu­re and Play Rie­hen has emer­ged from the for­mer Toy Muse­um, Vil­la­ge Muse­um and Viney­ard Muse­um in Rie­hen. A very spe­cial place with dif­fe­rent worlds of expe­ri­ence that invi­tes you to dis­co­ver with all your sen­ses. We have given the MUKS a com­ple­te­ly new iden­ti­ty and are exci­ted to see how the distinc­ti­ve four lar­ge let­ters will occu­py the spaces insi­de and out­side in the future.


Learning names through play

One name – four let­ters. In deve­lo­ping the naming, we laid the foun­da­ti­on for a jour­ney that spans the sen­ses. Loca­ted in a char­ming half-tim­be­red buil­ding, the spe­cial vil­la­ge histo­ry, the valuable toy coll­ec­tion and the the­me of play are now lin­ked in an appe­al­ing way. A colourful fami­ly muse­um with cha­rac­ter that makes children’s hearts beat fas­ter and inspi­res them to participate.



Brightly communicated

For the reope­ning, we also awa­ken­ed the child in us and rea­ched into the box of let­ters as well as the pot of colours with full vigour. Thus, the enti­re brand world of the Muse­um für Kul­tur und Spiel Rie­hen was ret­hought with fresh impul­ses: from the design of a new logo to the enti­re sta­tio­nery to colourful ope­ning pos­ters and fly­ers. In this way, the muse­um lights up for young and old even befo­re they enter. A colourful bou­quet of crea­ti­vi­ty that, with addi­tio­nal pro­ducts for the in-house shop such as pins, admis­si­on sti­ckers, pri­ce and name tags, beau­tiful­ly bags the MUKS as an over­all experience.

210628-MUKS posters
71eee60e-3c33-4e8d-959a-c657bb9c97d2 Kopie

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