
Steel is our nature

“Born in 1874” and well on its way to beco­ming num­ber one in its niche – the Fors­ter com­pa­ny has a strong histo­ry and lite­ral­ly no shorta­ge of pro­fi­le: the Swiss steel spe­cia­list pro­du­ces around 3000 kilo­me­t­res of frame pro­files for win­dow, door and faça­de sys­tems every year. The authen­ti­ci­ty, soli­di­ty and fines­se that steel, the mate­ri­al of choice, brings to ups­ca­le archi­tec­tu­re should now also find more space in the brand. So we put tar­get group stra­tegy and cor­po­ra­te design, visu­al iden­ti­ty, web­site, prin­ted mat­ter and trade fair equip­ment under the for­ge hammer.

New narrative spaces between steel profiles

In the stra­te­gic con­cep­ti­on, the approach of pla­cing steel at the cent­re as a sus­tainable and dura­ble design mate­ri­al wins: With “Steel is our natu­re”, we reve­al the brand mes­sa­ge – which is hence­forth told right down to the pro­duct level. The pro­fi­le sys­tems, as the true heroes of the sto­ry, each get their own cla­im and thus a cha­rac­ter. In a high­ly tech­ni­cal indus­try, this crea­tes space for pro­duct rela­ti­onships and, bet­ween many stan­dards and data sheets, space for a wink.

FORSTER Thermfix-vario_Keyvisual_4096 × 2758_Tuliere

Slender steel, sublime nature and lots of architecture

Archi­tec­tu­re likes to take natu­re as a model and at the same time form a rela­ti­onship with it. The new­ly deve­lo­ped visu­al lan­guage tells of this – and that Fors­ter is also awa­re of it: expres­si­ve archi­tec­tu­re mer­ges here with land­scape pan­ora­mas. The pro­duct beco­mes the media­tor of this suc­cessful rela­ti­onship. The col­la­ge style has a high reco­gni­ti­on value and unmist­aka­b­ly con­veys the cla­im “Steel is our nature”.

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FORSTER Unico_Keyvisual_4096 × 2758
FORSTER Presto-xs_Keyvisual_4658 × 3105
FORSTER Omnia_Keyvisual_4658 × 3105

Avatar for profile systems

From the out­side, steel pro­files look very simi­lar. It’s the insi­de that makes the dif­fe­rence. And cus­to­mers should be able to get a pic­tu­re of this as quick­ly, clo­se­ly and digi­tal­ly as pos­si­ble. Whe­re shoo­tings come up against their limits, the ren­de­ring team the­r­e­fo­re fine-tunes various views for all pro­duct vari­ants in which every detail is shown to its best advan­ta­ge. In the same way, pho­to­rea­li­stic, atmo­sphe­ric sys­tem visu­als are crea­ted that show the pro­ducts in the con­text of the buil­ding, as well as films on sel­ec­ted inno­va­tions. In this way, Fors­ter keeps up with the visu­al state-of-the-art. 

User Journey

The new brand design beco­mes rea­li­ty first and fore­most through a re-design of the web­site. It should be emo­tio­nal­ly appe­al­ing and “fashionable”, but at the same time reflect the fac­tu­al and tech­ni­cal tone of the indus­try. In addi­ti­on, the pro­xi­mi­ty to the parent com­pa­ny must beco­me visi­ble. An appe­al­ing and simp­le user jour­ney to the pro­ducts is the UX goal. On the way the­re, we have inspi­ra­ti­on rea­dy for the archi­tec­tu­re sec­tor. One after the other, the colour world, con­tent struc­tu­re, wire­frame pro­to­ty­pes, expres­si­ve visu­als and inter­ac­ti­ve touch­points are crea­ted, which are sim­ply a joy to swi­pe, slide and click. The tech­ni­cal high­light is the pro­duct plat­form with fle­xi­ble fil­ters, as known from online stores. Across all levels, a lar­ge part of the texts is also crea­ted in ate­lier 522.


From values communication to the CD manual

Fors­ter is taking a new approach to mar­ke­ting and sales with a series of print media. In the rede­sign of the annu­al maga­zi­ne, we help to visua­li­se refe­ren­ces that have not yet been com­ple­ted by means of a vir­tu­al repli­ca; we rework the topic of sus­taina­bi­li­ty edi­to­ri­al­ly and put it in the spot­light in terms of infor­ma­ti­on gra­phics. At the same time, a lepo­rel­lo breaks down the com­plex con­tents of the stra­tegy pro­ces­ses for employees. All media fol­low the new­ly deve­lo­ped design gui­de­lines, which we cle­ar­ly set out in an inter­ac­ti­ve design manu­al. Digi­tal, of course.

