
Reinven­ting the kitchen

Modern, purist, tim­e­l­ess. And always based on first-class com­pon­ents. This is how indi­vi­du­al mas­ter­pie­ces are crea­ted. Eggers­mann has been stri­ving for kit­chen per­fec­tion for more than 100 years. A pas­si­on for inno­va­ti­on and tra­di­tio­nal craft­sman­ship go hand in hand with genui­ne values and a clear sen­se of style in the 11,000 squa­re met­re fac­to­ry in Hid­den­hau­sen. And we are only too hap­py to sup­port tho­se who are com­mit­ted to con­stant­ly reinven­ting the kit­chen – with a new visu­al lan­guage, new sam­ple boxes and a matching show­room pre­sen­ta­ti­on. An enjoya­ble col­la­bo­ra­ti­on that can be expe­ri­en­ced with all the senses.

Visual language Masterpieces

From ori­gin to today. From the ear­ly days of man­kind around the camp­fi­re to the modern kit­chen as the cent­re of the home and hos­pi­ta­li­ty: a lot has chan­ged in the histo­ry of coo­king. And yet some­thing has remain­ed to this day: an archaic echo of ori­gi­na­li­ty. Fire, water, stone – steel, oak, marb­le. From natu­ral mate­ri­als to the finis­hed mas­ter­pie­ces “Bian­co Nuvo­la, Black Steel and Lau­sanne”. The new visu­al lan­guage for the pro­duct worlds not only com­ple­te­ly revi­ta­li­ses the mea­ning of the word “work” as a “pro­duct of crea­ti­ve labour”. It accom­pa­nies us on an exci­ting jour­ney, from the high-qua­li­ty raw mate­ri­al to the excel­lence of the craft­sman­ship, the archi­tec­tu­ral design lan­guage and the finis­hed pro­duct. A cycle that has a las­ting effect.


Aesthetic order

Desi­gners Choice and mate­ri­al diver­si­ty on two levels: two mas­terful­ly desi­gned pre­sen­ta­ti­on boxes made of robust card­board, wrap­ped in fine linen. Regard­less of place and time, the indi­vi­du­al free­dom of kit­chen design is reve­a­led here. For sty­lish inspi­ra­ti­on, alu­mi­ni­um, glass, metal and stone samples are deli­ca­te­ly sepa­ra­ted in soft foam. The addi­tio­nal sepa­ra­ti­on of the samples by rein­forced card­board inserts not only gives the sam­ple box extra sta­bi­li­ty, but also crea­tes an aes­the­tic order that plea­ses the eye. 


Beauty in detail

This is also the mot­to in the show­room. At eggers­mann, every kit­chen is a pre­cious one-off, cus­to­mi­sed accor­ding to the customer’s indi­vi­du­al wis­hes. To make this a tan­gi­ble expe­ri­ence, we have crea­ted a plat­form for indi­vi­du­al dia­lo­gue. The­re is a lot here that tou­ch­es visi­tors and also wants to be touch­ed. Modern, purist and tim­e­l­ess, redu­ced to the essen­ti­als: spe­cial mate­ri­als and aes­the­tic func­tion­a­li­ty. This is also reflec­ted in the pro­duct design.
