
ray work – Sit­ting in per­fect balance 

Design fur­ni­tu­re from the renow­ned fami­ly com­pa­ny Brun­ner impres­ses with its func­tion and aes­the­tics. Inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons that sit per­fect­ly – just like ray work. A new sea­ting expe­ri­ence for which we have put tog­e­ther a per­fect­ly balan­ced com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on packa­ge: from the key visu­als, the pro­duct film with matching sto­ry­line, digi­tal assets, the web­site, the bro­chu­re, the sam­ple box and the POS.


Strike the right note

Office, home office, con­fe­rence rooms: as the name sug­gests, ray work was deve­lo­ped for a wide varie­ty of work set­tings and envi­ron­ments. It impres­ses with its design lan­guage, pre­cise work­man­ship, fle­xi­ble frame con­s­truc­tion and well thought-out mate­ri­al com­bi­na­ti­ons. What is the best way to pre­sent this pro­duct so that it hits the right note? We at ate­lier 522 were able to address this ques­ti­on from stra­tegy to realisation.


The art is in the detail

Clay light, clay dark, mid­night blue, sand, lava and ter­ra­cot­ta, mesh or ful­ly uphols­te­red: despi­te its mono­chro­me visu­al lan­guage, ray work is as mul­ti­face­ted as the peo­p­le who sit here. We have work­ed out this diver­si­ty down to the smal­lest detail.

The interplay creates the music

In per­fect balan­ce. When a con­nec­tion pro­vi­des sup­port and lea­ves space at the same time. When ergo­no­mic design meets the hig­hest art of con­s­truc­tion and beco­mes visi­ble in order to adapt to move­ment. Then mat­ter beco­mes poet­ry – and our image film for Brun­ner comes to life.

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For the grand entrance

When exci­ting visu­al mate­ri­al like that of ray work is crea­ted, it lite­ral­ly cries out for a visual­ly powerful web­site. We brought ray work to a one-pager, cle­ar­ly struc­tu­red the fea­tures and bene­fits and under­pin­ned them with lar­ge image for­mats, small moving sequen­ces and crisp, short text lay­ers. A user-fri­end­ly site that brings ever­y­thing to the screen with a sin­gle scroll and pro­vi­des exci­ting con­tent for social media.

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Aesthetic order

A look at the design lan­guage of tomor­row, prac­ti­cal­ly com­bi­ned in a box. The sam­ple box from ray work in ele­gant mig­night blue is not only an effi­ci­ent tool for sel­ec­ting the right model, but also a source of inspi­ra­ti­on for desig­ning the working envi­ron­ment. As a sup­port­i­ve tool for sales, it pro­vi­des space for dif­fe­rent mate­ri­al samples and infor­ma­ti­on levels in an aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing way.


More space for stories

Digi­tal is read com­ple­te­ly dif­fer­ent­ly to print. The atten­ti­on span is shorter, digi­tal texts are read more quick­ly and less careful­ly than texts on paper. And: a beau­tiful bro­chu­re or a beau­tiful book can be used as a sty­li­stic device and acces­so­ry. We have the­r­e­fo­re also rea­li­sed a print ver­si­on for hap­tic lovers. With a mini­ma­list design, poe­tic moments and a deep dive into the world of ray work.


Experience at the POS

If the over­all com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is impres­si­ve, the con­cept at the POS should be no less exci­ting – even if space is limi­t­ed and things have to move quick­ly. In the case of ray work, with its con­vin­cing pro­duct fea­tures and memo­rable design lan­guage, not much is nee­ded in terms of design: a roll-up, the pro­duct its­elf and a dra­wer sys­tem with mate­ri­al samples allow the pro­duct to be expe­ri­en­ced with all the sen­ses and for all pos­si­ble applications.
