Andermatt Mira

Alpi­ne living with style

Inspi­red by the magic of the moun­ta­ins, you can dis­co­ver a spe­cial living expe­ri­ence in the idyl­lic alpi­ne vil­la­ge of Ander­matt, in the cent­re of Switz­er­land: Mira. Based on a hexa­go­nal flo­or plan, 18 flats mer­ge into a sty­lish place of alpi­ne living. The archi­tec­tu­re com­bi­nes typi­cal Swiss ele­ments with clas­sic Ita­li­an ones to crea­te an unri­val­led living expe­ri­ence. A sgraf­fi­to-inspi­red faça­de enve­lo­ps the flats with high cei­lings, spi­ral stair­ca­ses and win­dows so gene­rous­ly that they blend natu­ral­ly into their sur­roun­dings. With bound­less crea­ti­vi­ty, meti­cu­lous atten­ti­on to detail and tech­ni­cal exper­ti­se, we have crea­ted 18 ver­sa­ti­le and inspi­ring loft-style flats, reve­al­ing Mira’s uni­que features.

atelier 522-andermatt-16
atelier 522-andermatt-23

A home in loft style

The two-storey mez­za­ni­ne flats with uni­que inte­ri­or designs make Mira an inspi­ring living expe­ri­ence. Smart inte­ri­ors and artis­tic details: this is living with loft flair, sur­roun­ded by maje­s­tic moun­tain peaks.

The 18 loft-style mez­za­ni­ne flats come in almost every size and arran­ge­ment ima­gi­nable: from 2.5 and 3.5‑bedroom flats to our spa­cious pent­hou­ses on the top floor.


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Live generously

The faça­de enc­lo­ses 18 mez­za­ni­ne flats, each with a 2.5 and 3.5 room lay­out. All resi­den­ti­al units are equip­ped with high cei­lings, spi­ral stair­ca­ses and flo­or-to-cei­ling win­dows. This in turn gua­ran­tees not only ple­nty of day­light, but also an incom­pa­ra­ble view of the sur­roun­ding moun­tain scenery.

What’s more, each of the 18 airy flats is desi­gned to feel like a house – with a spi­ral stair­ca­se lea­ding to the top flo­or. The unu­su­al flo­or plan allows pri­ce­l­ess views from every flat.


Ser­vice phases:
Pro­ject plan­ning, ten­de­ring, rea­li­sa­ti­on (SIA 31–51). Con­cept, design, imple­men­ta­ti­on plan­ning and design supervision.
Total area:
1,280 sqm
Struc­tu­ral engineering:
Ilg San­ter Architects
atelier 522-andermatt-9


From the sta­te-of-the-art well­ness faci­li­ties to the sun­ny gar­den ter­race – the ground flo­or hou­ses the com­mu­nal are­as acces­si­ble to all resi­dents. The­se include a spa, a sau­na and a ter­race with gar­den for the war­mer sea­sons. This is whe­re you meet up with your neigh­bours on the sum­mer ter­race for an aperitif.

atelier 522-andermatt-10
atelier 522-andermatt-11
atelier 522-andermatt-22

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