Mobility with a future 

One might assu­me that anyo­ne ente­ring a car dea­ler­ship expects to see one thing abo­ve all else – cars. The Sen­ger Group, on the other hand, as one of Germany’s lar­gest car dea­ler­ship groups, goes one step fur­ther when it comes to mobi­li­ty, with an exclu­si­ve sel­ec­tion of two-whee­lers and ever­y­thing that goes with them. The goal? To ans­wer the ques­ti­on of the mobi­li­ty of the future. With bicy­cle stores that are not only distin­gu­is­hed by their indi­vi­dua­li­ty and inno­va­ti­ve strength within their pro­duct sel­ec­tion. At the same time, the stores should inte­gra­te per­fect­ly into the curr­ent­ly exis­ting buil­ding com­plex of over 50 car dea­ler­ships. A chall­enge that we were hap­py to take on. The start of the new mobi­li­ty con­cept and thus the first visua­li­sa­ti­on of the store con­cept is made by SENGER | NEO at the Mer­ce­des-Benz loca­ti­ons in Rhei­ne and Oldenburg.

Host of individuality

With so much indi­vi­dua­li­ty, the result can­not be a clas­sic shop; rather a show­room that scores with hos­pi­ta­li­ty; whe­re you can also find the cor­re­spon­ding per­so­nal advice – and that along the enti­re cus­to­mer jour­ney. To achie­ve this, we have also crea­ted a lot of space for exch­an­ge in the store design and com­bi­ned it with inno­va­ti­ve con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on ele­ments. For exam­p­le, each employee has a mul­ti­func­tion­al plat­form next to their work­sta­tion. It is used for con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on pur­po­ses and at the same time as a sta­ging area for coll­ec­tion. In kee­ping with the look of the car dea­ler­ships, the mate­ri­als are also cho­sen indi­vi­du­al­ly. Most of the time, the impres­si­on is noble, with muted tones. Real wood, pow­der-coa­ted MDF, grid: the mate­ri­als remain in the back­ground and offer the pro­ducts the per­fect stage.

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Stories for individual use

In terms of pro­duct design, too, the mot­to is: indi­vi­du­al sto­ries for indi­vi­du­al uses. We sol­ve this with modu­lar pre­sen­ta­ti­on are­as. Moun­tain bikes, for exam­p­le, stand on incli­ned pedes­tals, part­ly on light grids; racing bikes, imi­ta­ting the smooth asphalt, stand on clean MDF. Depen­ding on the loca­ti­on and requi­re­ments, the stages make it easier for cus­to­mers to quick­ly loca­te them visually.

The adventure can begin

On the trail in the moun­ta­ins, up the ser­pen­ti­ne road to the top or crui­sing rela­xed in the city? Whe­re is the next adven­ture? This is what the scenic land­scape images show as ban­ners or dis­plays behind the pro­ducts. The “moving” images con­vey emo­ti­ons and open up a world of pos­si­bi­li­ties for cus­to­mers – be it the ques­ti­on of “whe­re” or “what for”. And the “how” is then taken care of by the staff with indi­vi­du­al advice.


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