Customer Centricity: The focus is on people

Chan­gea­bi­li­ty on the sur­face has never been more in demand than at this time. Cont­act points are being reinter­pre­ted, places of encoun­ter are being rai­sed to new dimen­si­ons. The cus­to­mer buys online, off­line and bet­ween the line. “Win­dow shop­ping” takes place online, but peo­p­le con­ti­nue to buy ana­lo­gue in the shop.

Becau­se here the cus­to­mer finds what he can­not find online: Cus­to­mer Cen­tri­ci­ty, the human being in the cent­re. Ser­vice units com­bi­ned with an impres­si­ve host role are the order of the day. Sta­ging crea­tes ori­en­ta­ti­on! The space fea­tures indi­vi­du­al advice islands, repair and second-hand zones and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on plat­forms, such as exci­ting stage sets as a back­drop for pho­to shoots and short live vide­os to the online community.

The mate­ri­als and design focus on modu­la­ri­ty, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and sus­taina­bi­li­ty. It is incre­asing­ly about pre­ser­ving the exis­ting and enhan­cing it with exci­ting details.

The­re are so many exci­ting pro­jects – let us accom­pa­ny you in the process.

Screenshot 2021-05-17 at 13.16.38
Ochsner Sport Pro, Zurich
Ochs­ner Sport Pro, Zurich

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