About comfort zones, time value & service culture 

Unu­su­al times call for unu­su­al mea­su­res. Wel­co­me to the “new nor­mal”. More than ever, it’s about hos­pi­ta­li­ty. Inspi­ring peo­p­le, enab­ling them to enjoy beau­tiful moments – crea­ting real time value. This is exact­ly what our fourth event “per­ma­nent beta” under the the­ma­tic umbrel­la “Tisch­lein deck dich” was about.

For the extra mile, we let Bernd Reu­te­mann and Sören Anders have their say. Both know how to be sym­pa­the­ti­cal­ly noti­ceable on the out­side. To reco­g­ni­se what peo­p­le are miss­ing at the moment and try to com­pen­sa­te for it.

“Increase your tan­gi­bi­li­ty. Crea­te posi­ti­ve cus­to­mer experience.”
Bernd Reutemann

Bernd Reu­te­mann also calls hims­elf the “tra­vel gui­de of the extra mile”. As an impul­se gene­ra­tor and spar­ring part­ner, he sup­ports com­pa­nies and busi­nesses in estab­li­shing a las­ting ser­vice cul­tu­re. For 15 years, he and his team have regu­lar­ly been named top ser­vice com­pa­nies and award­ed for their ser­vice quality.

Just step out of the com­fort zone. It could be good.”
Sören Anders

Lay the table, stretch the don­key. Life has to go on somehow … Sören Anders, the Hei­del­berg mas­ter stu­dent, directs his own pas­sio­na­te coo­king bri­ga­de in Karls­ru­he. He also mode­ra­tes suc­cessful TV pro­duc­tions and accom­pa­nies num­e­rous cate­ring pro­jects. What is tra­di­tio­nal­ly con­side­red fixed in the kit­chen, he and his team like to rethink again and again. And the cur­rent situa­ti­on also chal­len­ged him to rethink and lea­ve the com­fort zone. In his gour­met restau­rant on the Dur­lach Turm­berg, he has tem­po­r­a­ri­ly clo­sed the restau­rant to visi­tors and con­ver­ted it. “Home in a glass” – food comes home, and in a glass. With this, Sören and his team are pre­sent in Ede­ka mar­kets as well as at the local weekly mar­ket. In order not to be for­got­ten by his cus­to­mers and to addi­tio­nal­ly arou­se emo­ti­ons, jars are prin­ted with cool sayings. The suc­cess pro­ves them both right.

Would you like to expand your hos­ting skills? The ate­lier 522 is the­re for you!

Bernd Reutemann
Bernd Reu­te­mann
Sören Anders
Sören Anders

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