Groundbreaking communication

“It is not the wind that deter­mi­nes the direc­tion, but the sail.” Sin­ce time imme­mo­ri­al, natu­ral sign­posts, signs, sym­bols, objects and buil­dings have ser­ved com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and ori­en­ta­ti­on – and not just sin­ce Odys­seus’ 10-year odys­sey on the high seas. But what are the pre­re­qui­si­tes for suc­cessful ori­en­ta­ti­on so that the jour­ney does not beco­me an Odys­sey? When should a chan­ge of cour­se take place?

We know that not all signals are the same. The Greek sin­ger and poet Orpheus and the Sirens sang simi­lar­ly begui­lingly, only in the case of the for­mer the song led to blissful tears of joy, in the case of the Greek mythi­cal crea­tures to death. Whe­re would you like to be gui­ded? For ground­brea­king com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, a clear objec­ti­ve is nee­ded. That is why Pro­me­ga now has a well-desi­gned gui­dance sys­tem that leads through the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or of the com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses, inclu­ding a sports ground path. And we also found an intel­li­gent and dura­ble solu­ti­on to the issue of pas­sa­ge protection.

More space for adventure

The smar­test com­pass is in the heart! This is whe­re the world is, espe­ci­al­ly with child­ren, free, dis­co­ve­ring, wild, strong, intui­ti­ve and limit­less. Child­ren are immu­ne to prag­ma­tism and remind us again and again of what we actual­ly once wan­ted to be. So what could be more exci­ting than being able to see the world through children’s eyes, as in the Muse­um für Kul­tur und Spiel Rie­hen, or MUKS for short?

As is often the case, it’s all about sen­ding the right signals to reach the place of desi­re in the oce­an of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Direc­tion­al signs, online, off­line and bet­ween the line form the per­fect jour­ney for a suc­cessful cus­to­mer journey.

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