The magic of beauty

On to new worlds

“Becau­se beau­tiful peo­p­le, O Hip­pi­as, and so also all works of art, pain­tings and sculp­tures, if they are beau­tiful, delight us when we see them, so also beau­tiful sounds, all music and spee­ches and poet­ry have the same effect. So that when we ans­wer that auda­cious man, “Dea­rest, the beau­tiful is the plea­sing that comes to us through the eyes and ears.” […] – Hip­pi­as mai­or, 298a

Beau­ty is one of the dri­ving forces in the deve­lo­p­ment of man, his art and cul­tu­re. It was alre­a­dy the cus­tom of the anci­ent Greeks to place a sta­tue of Her­mes or Apol­lo in the bride’s cham­ber so that the bri­de would have works of art around her in her plea­su­re and pain and bear child­ren of the same beau­ty. La bel­lez­za. So does the secret of life lie in the search for beau­ty? The desi­re for this ques­ti­on sweeps us into the vast sea of meaningful ide­as. To attract atten­ti­on and make waves, we crea­te col­la­ges of emo­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on – always with an eye for “beau­ty” and the goal of making a brand successful.

Let’s crea­te more space for oases of beau­ty. Sta­ging, tou­ch­ing the sen­ses. Let’s be a good host – in ana­lo­gue and digi­tal places of encoun­ter. ate­lier 522

To do this, we adopt dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves and points of view. We lea­ve the bea­ten track in order to bring ide­as and visi­ons to life with all our sen­ses. Online, off­line and bet­ween the line. We stage the visi­ble and the invi­si­ble for you. And what can we do for you that is “beau­tiful”?

Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on cam­paign, Bet­te Nano 
Novel­ty bro­chu­re, Kettnaker
Archi­tec­tu­re, RS17

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