
Pop it up!

You can talk a lot about worlds of expe­ri­ence. At some point they have to be built. When one of the most important manu­fac­tu­r­ers of fur­nis­hing sys­tems con­fronts us with the task, it igni­tes our inven­ti­ve spi­rit wit­hout a long speech. The goal was to deve­lop a shel­ving sys­tem that sets new stan­dards for pop-up envi­ron­ments: a modu­lar con­s­truc­tion prin­ci­ple with con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on for more space to play with.

Strategic millimetre work

Omni­po­tence does not come about on its own. That’s why we bring tog­e­ther stra­te­gic minds, the detail­ed thin­king of our pro­duct desi­gners and the con­tex­tu­al skills of our inte­ri­or desi­gners. The dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves of the indi­vi­du­al minds help to tar­get the tar­get indus­tries and trans­la­te their requi­re­ments into the sys­tem. Only the result deser­ves the name “Omnio P/L”.

Concept Store
Health & Beauty

Not­hing stands in the way of beau­ty with this form-fit­ting sys­tem. Pain­ted in light colours, Omnio P/L builds clean stages for health and beau­ty pro­ducts. Even floa­ting ele­ments for high­light pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. And of cour­se we have also thought of suf­fi­ci­ent invi­si­ble sto­rage space during the deve­lo­p­ment – as well as aes­the­tic light­ing solutions.

Enti­re shel­ves beco­me lumi­nous LED panels thanks to intel­li­gent power manage­ment. The use of digi­tal appli­ca­ti­ons has also never been easier. For exam­p­le, digi­tal devices can addi­tio­nal­ly use the elec­tri­fied pro­files as a power source, which enables the inte­gra­ti­on of an intel­li­gent self-checkout.

Sports & Fashion pop-up store

Func­tion­al and attrac­ti­ve in the truest sen­se of the word: Omnio P/L offers the per­fect solu­ti­on for all chal­lenges of a pop-up store in the sports & fashion sec­tor – thanks to free-stan­ding sys­tems wit­hout wall moun­ting. And, with count­less con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and expan­si­on opti­ons. In addi­ti­on to the ver­sa­ti­le modu­le vari­ants such as shel­ves for lay-flat goods, sup­port bars for han­ging artic­les and much more, the shel­ving sys­tem can also be used to con­s­truct free-stan­ding chan­ging cubic­les. Pret­ty fit this Omnio P/L!

Pop-up Store Boutique

If you have a choice, you’­re spoilt for choice. This is no dif­fe­rent when shop­ping in a bou­tique than when choo­sing Omnio P/L. The basic Omnio P/L sys­tem is made of metal, for exam­p­le, but can be coa­ted in indi­vi­du­al colours. In addi­ti­on, the shel­ves are available in dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als: not only glass and wood, but also metal coa­ted in dif­fe­rent colours. Omnio P/L also fol­lows a tim­e­l­ess, under­sta­ted design and adapts to fashion ran­ges wit­hout ste­al­ing the show. The only ques­ti­on that remains is: hau­te cou­ture or casual?

Now even more
Discover Omnio P/L!

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