
systematic solutions

From indi­vi­du­al sys­tems to com­ple­te shop fit­ting. From cata­lo­gue solu­ti­ons to indi­vi­du­al fur­ni­tu­re design. From con­tem­po­ra­ry libra­ry inven­to­ry to pro­duct design. Anyo­ne who knows ser­a­fi­ni knows about the qua­li­ty of the pro­ducts for indoor and out­door use.

Strong corporate design

The jour­ney began with sys­tem deve­lo­p­ments for the POS area. Joint shop con­cepts for cus­to­mers and the crea­ti­on of an in-house show­room fol­lo­wed. In recent years, we have expan­ded the exis­ting ran­ge with exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or pro­ducts and deve­lo­ped a coher­ent cor­po­ra­te design.

For the love of detail

An address says a lot. The ent­rance reve­als even more. But most of all the flat its­elf. And you obvious­ly enter it via the door. Past the let­ter­box, house num­ber – straight to the rocking stool. Atten­ti­on door­stops! Enter and take a seat, becau­se the­re is a lot to see. From wall ele­ments to coat han­gers, from news­pa­per boxes to door­bell signs, from rocking stools to design cut-outs for Christ­mas. We have tin­ke­red, deve­lo­ped and desi­gned for ser­a­fi­ni – pro­ducts with sys­tem and atten­ti­on to detail.

View through retail glasses

In coope­ra­ti­on with ser­a­fi­ni, we have deve­lo­ped shop­fit­ting sys­tem solu­ti­ons that are used all over the world. Indi­vi­du­al and uni­ver­sal. The most important tool was and is our retail glas­ses, with which we always look at the world of retail­ers through their eyes. In this way, we mana­ge to meet the needs of the retail sec­tor by anti­ci­pa­ting chan­ges and imple­men­ting appro­pria­te mea­su­res in a tar­ge­ted manner.

A sym­bio­sis that has also enab­led ser­a­fi­ni to shar­pen its focus on the essen­ti­als and make its pro­ducts even more tar­get group-spe­ci­fic and thus more effective.

Fair worlds à la serafini

Walka­ble, admi­ra­ble, expe­ri­en­ceable and abo­ve all uncon­ven­tio­nal – with an extra­or­di­na­ry archi­tec­tu­ral con­cept. This is the design of serafini’s trade fair worlds. Some­ti­mes in deli­ca­te pas­tel colours and soft shapes that reflect the cha­rac­ter of ser­a­fi­ni, some­ti­mes simp­le with grand ges­tu­res and exci­ting instal­la­ti­ons with a focus on the essen­ti­als – the shop­fit­ting sys­tems for which ser­a­fi­ni is world-famous. Whe­ther it’s a mat­ter of mate­ri­al, area of appli­ca­ti­on or sec­tor, whe­ther pow­der-coa­ted, with inser­ta­ble glass shel­ves or elec­tri­fied: shop sys­tems from ser­a­fi­ni have the right solu­ti­on rea­dy for every chall­enge. And we have pro­ven that it is pos­si­ble to build exhi­bi­ti­on stands from our own sys­tems – an important step towards sustainability.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
55 – 160 sqm
Con­s­truc­tion time:
5 days

Of product experiences and design language

Reci­te less – show more. The word “cata­lo­gue” comes from the Greek and is deri­ved from “to reci­te” or “to list”. This does not sound very exci­ting, it is hard­ly worth lis­tening to, let alo­ne loo­king at. And yet it is worth ope­ning serafini’s cata­lo­gues. Becau­se the­re is far more to dis­co­ver than just shel­ves, slo­ping arms or mid-room furniture. 

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