
Lay the table

For us, the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Rosen­thal was not a fairy­ta­le, but a dream come true. Today, as when it was foun­ded more than 135 years ago, the com­pa­ny from the Fich­tel­ge­bir­ge regi­on deve­lo­ps por­ce­lain pro­ducts that impress with their form, func­tion, qua­li­ty and craft­sman­ship. They are a pie­ce of cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge made in Ger­ma­ny and are the­r­e­fo­re often pas­sed on from gene­ra­ti­on to gene­ra­ti­on. For the tren­dy brand Tho­mas, we were allo­wed to deve­lop a con­cept to make the topic of por­ce­lain palata­ble to young adults.

Strategy & Consulting 

Young peo­p­le and table cul­tu­re? Anyo­ne who thinks that this is mutual­ly exclu­si­ve is mista­ken. You just have to pre­sent it in an appe­ti­sing way. For the Rosen­thal brand Tho­mas, we were given the task of stra­te­gi­cal­ly rede­sig­ning the brand – two- and three-dimen­sio­nal­ly. Ever­y­thing from a sin­gle mould. The big goal, a reju­ve­na­ti­on of the buy­er group from over-40 to over-20-year-olds.

Traditional brands in traditional houses

The Als­ter­haus in Ham­burg and the KaDe­We in Ber­lin – hou­ses that look back on a long tra­di­ti­on and who­se names alo­ne exu­de sophisti­ca­ti­on. For the­se exqui­si­te loca­ti­ons, we have imple­men­ted a shop con­cept wort­hy of Rosen­thal. Sha­pe­ly, but not stuffy. Ins­tead, trend-con­scious and tas­teful. The best thing about it is that it not only ser­ves to pre­sent the goods, but you can also buy it and use it to stage your very own por­ce­lain world at home.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
70 sqm
Con­s­truc­tion time:
3 weeks

The international stage for porcelain

Holi­stic design – a who­le, so diver­se. Becau­se the shop ide­as also work won­derful­ly as a trade fair and exhi­bi­ti­on con­cept, we pre­sen­ted them at Ambi­en­te in Frank­furt am Main. 400 squa­re met­res of stand space staged with crea­ti­ve wall illus­tra­ti­ons that put the fur­ni­tu­re and access­ories won­derful­ly in the right light. In bet­ween, of cour­se, por­ce­lain of the very finest everywhere.

Dinner is served!

Pic­tures can hard­ly be more sti­mu­la­ting. Except per­haps when you expe­ri­ence them live – and a still life beco­mes a tableaux vivants – in the Rosen­thal shop, for exam­p­le. We were allo­wed to give them that cer­tain some­thing – as well as the shop win­dows, the pack­a­ging design and in addi­ti­on we crea­ted a brand news­pa­per that is so beau­tiful that it is used as wrap­ping paper. At Rosen­thal, inner and outer values are equal­ly important.


A table, a block, a dou­ble chair – desi­gned for Tho­mas. The seven dwarfs would be deligh­ted. At last they can have break­fast “at eye level” with Snow White. And tho­se who are not spoo­ning eggs or drin­king cocoa can paint. Becau­se the table­top of the “Pain­ting Desk” desi­gned by the crea­ti­ve team of ate­lier 522 is cover­ed by a lar­ge pain­ting block. In addi­ti­on to the kit­chen, the white Mother Child fur­ni­tu­re is of cour­se also sui­ta­ble for use in children’s rooms or wai­ting rooms.

Matching outfit for Campbell’s

Anyo­ne can look at art, and anyo­ne can buy art. But only a few mana­ge to live with art. Visits to muse­ums and the neces­sa­ry small chan­ge are hard­ly enough. Phil­ip Rosenthal’s idea was to offer help here. The por­ce­lain manu­fac­tu­rer deve­lo­ped a pro­duct line for which he recrui­ted avant-gar­de artists. Andy War­hol was one of them. And Rosen­thal ent­rus­ted the pro­mo­ti­on of Warhol’s Campbell’s made of por­ce­lain to the crea­ti­ve stu­dio in Mark­dorf. They deve­lo­ped a com­pre­hen­si­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on con­cept that, from the pos­ter to the pack­a­ging, awa­kens the desi­re for more War­hol in one’s own four walls.

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