
City of the future

Intel­li­gent lin­king of solu­ti­ons, secu­ri­ty, ener­gy manage­ment and com­fort in the home: this is what Roto Frank AG stands for. For deca­des, the com­pa­ny has been set­ting stan­dards in terms of qua­li­ty, func­tion­a­li­ty and design. Whe­ther dura­ble win­dow solu­ti­ons with opti­mal ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, or beau­tiful­ly desi­gned doors with intel­li­gent secu­ri­ty sys­tems – Roto pro­ducts com­bi­ne sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy with aes­the­tic per­fec­tion for a first-class living expe­ri­ence. And at the latest when it comes to the key­word “aes­the­tic per­fec­tion”, we at ate­lier 522 are on board. Becau­se whe­re the demands on one’s own pro­ducts and solu­ti­ons are so high, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on can also be rai­sed to a new level. From pro­duct design to print and web, to signage, trade fair and show­room design to archi­tec­tu­re: here comes archi­tect com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on at its best – and in all dimen­si­ons: online, off­line and inbetween.

Keep moving

The world is chan­ging and Roto Frank AG with it. This pres­ents the com­pa­ny with ever new chal­lenges from time to time and demands dyna­mic ans­wers to the ques­ti­ons of the day. The spe­cia­list for door and win­dow tech­no­lo­gy ans­wers how the living spaces of tomor­row can look with the help of its own products.

How Roto can com­mu­ni­ca­te and act as a com­pa­ny inde­pen­dent of space and time is some­thing we ans­wer tog­e­ther: online, off­line and inbetween.

Roto City Keyvisual A

A new level for sales tools

What does the sales depart­ment, who­se stron­gest sales tool has so far been the trade fair, need in order to con­ti­nue to com­mu­ni­ca­te effi­ci­ent­ly with the customer?

The ans­wer is a well thought-out sales tool that com­ple­ments the exis­ting com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, emo­tio­nal­ly char­ges the pro­duct port­fo­lio and appeals equal­ly to dif­fe­rent tar­get groups. We have trans­la­ted the user expe­ri­ence of the trade fair online and taken the topic of urba­ni­ty to a new level. Wel­co­me to Roto City – the city of the future!

20201202 Own home

From the big to the small

From the visi­on to the tech­ni­cal dra­wing. Sel­ec­ted exhi­bits that had pre­vious­ly found their place at the trade fair were inte­gra­ted into an exci­ting sto­ry­line and sup­ple­men­ted with tech­ni­cal gim­micks. Whe­ther inves­tor, archi­tect, win­dow manu­fac­tu­rer or con­su­mer, within the many levels and are­as of appli­ca­ti­on down to the smal­lest detail, ever­yo­ne is addres­sed in a tail­or-made way with the new Roto City. 

20201215 City Shops v2

Impressive user experience on all levels

With the inte­gra­ti­on of the Trade Show Expe­ri­ence within the new digi­tal sales tool, we are even going one step fur­ther, allo­wing visi­tors to immer­se them­sel­ves in the city of the future – with 360° insights “around the brand”. New ways that lead to a holi­stic brand expe­ri­ence and streng­then Roto’s digi­tal orientation.

atelier522-Roto-City Frontale View
Roto Mockup Exhibition Manual1

Come in!

Sin­ce 2014, we have had the pri­vi­le­ge of desig­ning the trade fair stand for the top tech­no­lo­gists at Roto Frank AG seve­ral times on the occa­si­on of Fens­ter­bau Fron­ta­le in Nurem­berg. We have crea­ted an ide­al trade fair envi­ron­ment for the com­pa­ny on around 1,200 squa­re met­res. Start­ing with the leit­mo­tif, through the enti­re com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on stra­tegy, to the sta­ging of pro­ducts as well as ana­lo­gue and digi­tal infor­ma­ti­on sources. Pro­ver­bi­al­ly well thought-out, from the ground flo­or to the gab­le. And at BAU Munich we have alre­a­dy shown a few times how to fill and stage spaces in an exci­ting way.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1–9
Total area:
300‑1200 sqm
Con­s­truc­tion time:
3–5 days

Visual Identity

What would hou­ses be wit­hout win­dows and doors? They con­nect the out­side with the insi­de. And vice ver­sa. To ensu­re that the­se archi­tec­tu­ral ele­ments not only look beau­tiful but also func­tion per­fect­ly, Roto crea­tes exem­pla­ry mecha­nics that are most­ly hid­den from view. We took on the exis­ting cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty and wro­te com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sto­ries. The exis­ting visu­al lan­guage was ana­ly­sed and a new one deve­lo­ped, and every sin­gle pro­duct – every ser­vice – was beau­tiful­ly embedded in it. 


Showroom in 3D

Minia­tu­re hou­ses in which Roto pro­ducts can be dis­co­ver­ed direct­ly. Indi­vi­du­al win­dow hand­les that, when lined up, beco­me an over­si­zed win­dow hand­le in the room. Or pure infor­ma­ti­on that tran­si­ti­ons from two-dimen­sio­nal gra­phics into three-dimen­sio­na­li­ty. With seal­ing strips that trans­form into a room-sized instal­la­ti­on. Sta­ging is (almost) ever­y­thing. And how do you imple­ment the the­me of coope­ra­ti­on at a buil­ding fair? With the appro­pria­te tools! A red nail for every Roto part­ner. Pla­ced on a world map that makes all loca­ti­ons visi­ble. Design that hits the nail on the head and skilful­ly gives mar­ke­ting and sales a red thread.

Product design that invites you to touch it

Grip was the task that prompt­ed us to start working with Roto. We wan­ted a no-frills win­dow hand­le. And becau­se we are not only good at dri­ving along­side the track, but can also be straight­for­ward, we desi­gned a win­dow hand­le that exact­ly meets the company’s requi­re­ments in terms of aes­the­tics, hap­tics and eco­no­my. Pro­fes­sio­nal craft­sman­ship that led us on to rede­sign the exis­ting pro­duct lines.


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