Signi­fi­cant characters

What do tea­chers, pupils and signal­ling have in com­mon? They are often, in their own uni­que way, the unob­tru­si­ve heroes of ever­y­day life! From sign­posts and signs to pic­to­grams and signage – signage gui­des us through the laby­rinths of ever­y­day life and crea­tes ori­en­ta­ti­on, and order in the cha­os. It ser­ves not only as an aes­the­tic ele­ment, but also as an indis­pensable source of infor­ma­ti­on that navi­ga­tes us safe­ly through com­plex envi­ron­ments – as was the case at the BZM in Mark­dorf near Lake Con­s­tance, which we had the pri­vi­le­ge of enri­ching with a well thought-out gui­dance sys­tem inte­gra­ted into the exis­ting archi­tec­tu­re and surroundings.

Significant characters

The school day is colourful, so a clear line is nee­ded. So cen­ti­met­re by cen­ti­met­re, simp­le and cool, from the out­side to the insi­de, important infor­ma­ti­on is pre­sen­ted on the most diver­se levels – at all neur­al­gic points. The design is also cha­rac­te­ri­sed by gra­phi­cal­ly redu­ced ele­ments, which are reflec­ted in both the type­face and the icons. Exis­ting faça­de struc­tures on cei­lings, flo­ors, walls and free-stan­ding ste­lae are skilful­ly taken up and com­bi­ned with new ele­ments of signage. The gui­dance sys­tem makes it easy to find one’s way both insi­de and out­side the school buil­ding. The clear and well thought-out lines pro­vi­de ori­en­ta­ti­on and sup­port effi­ci­ent navi­ga­ti­on for pupils, tea­chers and visi­tors alike.

For more identity

The mate­ri­als cho­sen are based on the exis­ting archi­tec­tu­re and fit into the design lan­guage of the buil­ding. They were also cho­sen for their ease of hand­ling and pro­ces­sing. Oak wood ele­ments, trans­lu­cent pri­va­cy films and white let­te­ring on pow­der-coa­ted sheet steel domi­na­te here. A high­light within the gui­dance sys­tem are the glass pri­va­cy screens with alpi­ne sil­hou­et­tes cover­ed in white deco­ra­ti­ve foil. They visual­ly sepa­ra­te the rooms and at the same time form a con­nec­ting ele­ment that crea­tes a link to the region.

Significant sign language

What do pic­to­grams have to do with pro­duct design? Quite a lot, if you look at our imple­men­ta­ti­on for the BZM. Ever­y­thing that can and should be a cont­act point insi­de and out­side the buil­ding was given a meaningful icon with a long-distance effect: whe­ther sports hall, tech­ni­cal rooms or sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties – can­teen or e‑bike par­king space. Modern and at the same time tim­e­l­ess. A gra­phi­cal­ly unmist­aka­ble stamp that we put on the Mark­dorf Edu­ca­ti­on Cent­re with our holi­stic gra­phic con­cept and which beca­me an inte­gral part of the school’s cor­po­ra­te identity.

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