Black Cabin

Earthly Idyll

Stop time for a moment. Sur­ren­der com­ple­te­ly to the here and now. Feel insi­de yours­elf. Give space to your true needs. Just be – far away from the hust­le and bust­le of the city. They still exist, the litt­le hid­den para­di­ses whe­re you can do all this. In the Oder­bruch not far from the Ger­man-Polish bor­der in Sophien­thal, for exam­p­le. A roman­tic retre­at for all tho­se who want to beco­me one with natu­re. Here they are, the Black Cab­ins. Lovin­g­ly desi­gned gar­dens adjoin end­less fields – a view that invi­tes you to linger.

Take a show­er under the open sky in the mor­ning. At luncht­i­me, look out over wide fields. And in the evening, watch the stars for hours in front of an open fire. The­re is pro­ba­b­ly nowhe­re bet­ter than here in the Oder­bruch on a total of 4,000 squa­re met­res of open space not far from hip Ber­lin. For owner and pho­to­grapher Chris­toph Sagel, this is a dream come true that he is only too hap­py to share with others. We were allo­wed to accom­pa­ny him crea­tively and in terms of plan­ning on the way to rea­li­sing his vision.

Total area:
4000 sqm
Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 8

We star­ted with two sepa­ra­te Black Cab­ins, which enti­ce you with their cosy slee­ping area insi­de. The adjoi­ning sau­na and deck chairs on the woo­den ter­race enti­ce you to enjoy the peace and quiet in togetherness.

But the spa­cious out­door area with kit­chen and the out­door oven also enti­ce you to cele­bra­te lively par­ties, invi­te fri­ends and enjoy being tog­e­ther com­ple­te­ly undis­tur­bed. And for tho­se who sim­ply want to let their gaze wan­der, the north-facing gla­zing puts the wide flood­plains of the Oder right at the edge of the bed. Made of pure wood, the char­ming cot­ta­ges not only pro­vi­de a per­fect indoor cli­ma­te, they can also be assem­bled on site in no time at all and sup­port sus­tainable construction.

And becau­se we just can’t get enough of this kind of retre­at, we have added ano­ther ensem­ble to the Black Cab­ins. The new luxu­rious cubes each mea­su­re 8 x 4 met­res, and their indi­vi­du­al rooms com­bi­ne to crea­te a har­mo­nious who­le. Whe­ther phi­lo­so­phi­sing tog­e­ther by the crack­ling fire­place or rela­xing alo­ne in the sepa­ra­te bed­room – here ever­yo­ne expe­ri­en­ces what they feel like at the moment. You can’t get more idyl­lic than this. Boo­ka­ble under:

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