Under the surface

From the design to the buil­ding – from the sketch to the faça­de: as a spe­cia­list in sur­face tre­at­ments for alu­mi­ni­um, BWB offers a wide ran­ge of high-qua­li­ty (alu­mi­ni­um) finis­hes and colour vari­ants. With the mar­ket launch of Per­magrey, the com­pa­ny has pre­sen­ted an inno­va­ti­ve colour spec­trum in tim­e­l­ess­ly ele­gant anthr­aci­te tones, with which archi­tec­tu­ral visi­ons can be indi­vi­du­al­ly rea­li­sed. For Per­magrey and the Color Coll­ec­tion 01, we deve­lo­ped a coher­ent tar­get group approach as well as a con­cise key visu­al. One that allows the view­er to immer­se them­sel­ves tan­gi­bly in the BWB pro­duct world. This is also the case with the Color Coll­ec­tion 02, ano­ther sel­ec­ted colour ran­ge that gives outer shells func­tion­al effec­ti­ve­ness and glos­sy aesthetics.

Timelessly aesthetic

Alu­mi­ni­um com­pon­ents that per­ma­nent­ly with­stand even extre­me wea­the­ring: With the pro­duct launch of Per­magrey, BWB brings both dura­bi­li­ty and vari­ance and diver­si­ty to the design of faça­des. We have made sure that the mes­sa­ge rea­ches whe­re it should – the archi­tects. With a trust­wor­t­hy lan­guage and attrac­ti­ve imagery. And becau­se the design of buil­dings affects us all, we have put tog­e­ther the Color Coll­ec­tion 01, a coor­di­na­ted ran­ge of colours that trans­form alu­mi­ni­um sur­faces into colourful high­light mate­ri­als, for exam­p­le in our urban environment.

And with the Color Coll­ec­tion 02, buil­ding enve­lo­pes out­side the com­mon stan­dard can also be rea­li­sed. With the four colours from the Colinal®, Bron­ze and San­dalor® palet­te, powerful­ly ele­gant archi­tec­tures are crea­ted that under­line the pos­si­bi­li­ties of inno­va­ti­ve faça­de design. Func­tion­al beau­ty that is alre­a­dy visi­ble from afar and also delights in detail with pre­cis­i­on and colour brilliance.

See. Marvel. Touch

Archi­tects and desi­gners are peo­p­le of the sen­ses. For the mar­ket launch of the Color Coll­ec­tion, we the­r­e­fo­re deve­lo­ped pack­a­ging that brings the tim­e­l­ess aes­the­tics of the pro­ducts to the fore, both visual­ly and hap­ti­cal­ly. The result is a sty­lish sam­ple box that pres­ents four sel­ec­ted colours for each of the first and second coll­ec­tions in the form of slim sam­ple pla­tes. See. Be ama­zed. Touch. And be inspired.

Wonderfully changeable

Anodi­sing with Per­magrey does not scratch the sur­face – it chan­ges in depth. Las­ting and dura­ble. To depict the­se attri­bu­tes authen­ti­cal­ly, we lite­ral­ly dived in with our key visu­al. We pla­ced the phy­si­cal manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess at the cent­re of the sce­ne as an aes­the­tic moving image and thus made the trans­for­ma­ti­on of the unpro­tec­ted metal into dura­ble Per­magrey alu­mi­ni­um a visu­al experience.

Fabulously digital

Every pro­duct deser­ves a stage wort­hy of it. In order to bring the Color Coll­ec­tion to the archi­tects in a tar­ge­ted way, we desi­gned a style gui­de for a landing page that puts the coll­ec­tion in the spot­light in style. With cat­chy texts and expres­si­ve images that under­line the qua­li­ty and dura­bi­li­ty of the pro­duct in a spe­cial way. Coor­di­na­ted with the news­let­ter, ban­ners and social media pre­sence – for a con­sis­tent and meaningful over­all communication.

Finely painted

Alu­mi­ni­um sur­faces as con­cept-defi­ning ele­ments of cur­rent buil­ding cul­tu­re: even sup­po­sedly rough stret­ches of land are home to ico­no­gra­phic archi­tec­tu­re. Visual­ly repre­sen­ted with a sphe­ri­cal-loo­king archi­tec­tu­ral ren­de­ring, embedded in the unpo­lished land­scape on the North Atlan­tic, we com­mu­ni­ca­te the lon­ge­vi­ty of the faça­de pro­duct of the Color Coll­ec­tion 01 to the point. With the Color Coll­ec­tion 02, on the other hand, alu­mi­ni­um com­pon­ents beco­me strong faça­de ele­ments with radiance.

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