Hotel Coreum

Stir­rin­gly cordial

New Work & Campus Experience

Retail & Brandspace

Culture & Educational Spaces

Public spaces & Mobility

Lear­ning. Try­ing things out. Mee­ting others and exchan­ging ide­as. The Cor­e­um in Stock­stadt am Rhein is an inno­va­ti­on, trai­ning and event cent­re that is uni­que in Euro­pe. It con­nects peo­p­le and lea­ding com­pa­nies in the con­s­truc­tion, hand­ling and recy­cling indus­tries world­wi­de. With the brand DNA as a foun­da­ti­on, we have crea­ted what is pro­ba­b­ly the most extra­or­di­na­ry world of expe­ri­ence in the midd­le of Ger­ma­ny. With the Cor­e­um Hotel, we are adding a place that reinter­prets the defi­ni­ti­on of hospitality.

At home with friends

As an inno­va­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on plat­form, the Cor­e­um con­nects and cares for an inter­na­tio­nal field of part­ners and cus­to­mers – 365 days a year. An incom­pa­ra­ble set­ting with all-round care­free sup­port at an excep­tio­nal level. The ide­al bree­ding ground for a pres­ti­gious hotel that wel­co­mes the Coreum’s inter­na­tio­nal cli­ente­le with the same com­pe­tence and hos­pi­ta­li­ty. One that bears the same unmist­aka­ble signature.

230620 Coreum Hotel View North

Stock­stadt on the Rhine
Ser­vice pha­ses inte­ri­or design:
LPH 1 – 9
Ser­vice pha­ses archi­tec­tu­re:
LPH 1 – 5
Total area:
5,800 sqm

A strong piece of stone

A men­hir as a point of attrac­tion: Even befo­re ente­ring the hotel, the­re is the first hint that this is no ordi­na­ry accom­mo­da­ti­on. Or whe­re else is a cano­py sup­po­sedly sup­port­ed by a men­hir? An unu­sual­ly staged detail with rari­ty value, based on the rough con­s­truc­tion site envi­ron­ment of the Cor­e­um. And the faça­de also main­ta­ins this asso­cia­ti­on, clad in slen­der, anthr­aci­te-colou­red Eter­nit panels – com­bi­ned with room win­dows made of sus­tainable wood.


atelier522-CoreumHotel seating area

Please enter!

Anyo­ne who enters the Hotel Cor­e­um with its 129 rooms inclu­ding juni­or sui­tes feels com­for­ta­ble and warm­ly wel­co­med. Muted, warm and ear­thy tones such as sand and dark green, along with homo­ge­neous mate­ri­als, repre­sent this hos­pi­ta­li­ty and pro­vi­de a visi­ble iden­ti­ty. The cho­sen colour sche­me is deri­ved from the various buil­ding mate­ri­als used in the adja­cent buil­dings of the Cor­e­um. Authen­ti­ci­ty, which is also reflec­ted in the func­tion­a­li­ty of the rooms. Unneces­sa­ry frills are not to be found here. What you find ins­tead is well thought-out minimalism.


Looked to the right and left

Whe­re strong hands dig, build and con­cre­te, a pia­no can­not be far away. We love expres­si­ve con­trasts! Espe­ci­al­ly when you don’t expect them. Walls and cei­lings made of expo­sed con­cre­te and natu­ral stone as a recep­ti­on coun­ter – despi­te its rough envi­ron­ment, the Cor­e­um Hotel still crea­tes space for retre­at. With its libra­ry, pia­no, play lounge and yoga faci­li­ties, it pro­mi­ses a rela­xed balan­ce to the dai­ly hust­le and bust­le of the con­s­truc­tion site.

atelier522-CoreumHotel hallway

Communicated centimetre by centimetre

Holi­stic design down to the smal­lest detail. We also give the hotel that spe­cial touch in terms of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Gra­phi­cal­ly. Ground­brea­king. Inspi­red by machi­nes, mate­ri­als, peo­p­le. Whe­ther it’s a tasty menu or an expres­si­ve sign­pos­ting sys­tem – we give even the see­mingly incon­spi­cuous things a meaningful aes­the­tic – online and offline.

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