Jos. Berchtold

Jos. Berch­told moul­ding. For 100 years, the name Jos Berch­told has stood for out­stan­ding door and wall solu­ti­ons from Switz­er­land. To mark this important anni­ver­sa­ry, the long-estab­lished com­pa­ny is pre­sen­ting a spe­cial anni­ver­sa­ry cam­paign that del­ves deep into the world of the work­shop and focu­ses on the heart of the com­pa­ny – the peo­p­le and their work […].

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Cor­e­um Tech­nik, die begeis­tert AR, UX & App Design­Ar­chi­tek­tur & Quar­tiers-/Are­al­pla­nung­C­GI, AI & Moti­on­de­sign­Con­tent & Text­Corpo­ra­te Design & Signa­le­tik­In­te­rior­de­sign und Szen­o­gra­fie­Mes­se & Event­de­sign­Pro­dukt­de­sign & Pack­a­ging­Re­tail & Brand Spaces­Stra­te­gie & Bera­tung Core – das Herz. Forum – die Platt­form. Die Gast­lich­keit und das Aus­pro­bie­ren. Ver­packt in einem Wort: Cor­e­um. Im Herbst 2018 hat das 120.000 Quadratmeter

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Cine­plex Es lebe das Kino AR, UX & App Design­Ar­chi­tek­tur & Quar­tiers-/Are­al­pla­nung­C­GI, AI & Moti­on­de­sign­Con­tent & Text­Corpo­ra­te Design & Signa­le­tik­In­te­rior­de­sign und Szen­o­gra­fie­Mes­se & Event­de­sign­Pro­dukt­de­sign & Pack­a­ging­Re­tail & Brand Spaces­Stra­te­gie & Bera­tung Ab in den Plüsch­ses­sel. Das Pop­corn in der einen, das Soft­ge­tränk in der ande­ren Hand. Das Licht wird gedimmt, der Pro­jek­tor rat­tert – Film

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Dorn­bracht A stage for icons Clear lines, pre­cise edges and excel­lent work­man­ship: Dorn­bracht pro­ducts stand for uncom­pro­mi­sing pre­cis­i­on in archi­tec­tu­re and inte­ri­or design. Dorn­bracht deve­lo­ps ele­gant high-end fit­tings for bath­rooms, show­ers and kit­chens, who­se histo­ry makes them a tim­e­l­ess spec­ta­cle. We crea­te modern and inspi­ring stage sets for them. Put in the right light The bath­room as a place

Dorn­bracht Read More »

somersaults in the head

Buil­ding, rom­ping, hiding, giving free rein to ide­as, doing somer­saults in our heads: we play­ed as child­ren. And we were hap­py doing it. Espe­ci­al­ly when we play­ed tog­e­ther. We inven­ted new things, flew in our minds to undis­co­ver­ed uni­ver­ses, crea­ted our very own worlds with all our senses.

somer­saults in the head Read More »