House of Switzerland

Mai­son Suisse

What is the secret of Switz­er­land? What makes it suc­cessful in sport, poli­ti­cal­ly and eco­no­mic­al­ly sta­ble, pro­du­ces cut­ting-edge rese­arch and inno­va­tions from pocket kni­ves to par­tic­le acce­le­ra­tors? What makes it uni­que, in the midd­le of Euro­pe, with con­nec­tions all over the world? Switz­er­land invents. Switz­er­land sur­pri­ses. Switz­er­land invi­tes. Cen­tral­ly loca­ted in the 7th arron­dis­se­ment, clo­se to the Hôtel des Inva­li­des, the Mai­son Suis­se France 2024 will take up resi­dence in the gar­den of the Fede­ral Depart­ment of For­eign Affairs. The ate­lier 522 was ent­rus­ted with the design.

Swiss moments of encounter

Publicly acces­si­ble, the Mai­son Suis­se offers a spe­cial Swiss moment of encoun­ter at this uni­que loca­ti­on. On approx. 1,100 m², not only does the leit­mo­tif of “sus­taina­bi­li­ty and inno­va­ti­on” come into focus, the space com­bi­nes Swiss hos­pi­ta­li­ty in the form of crea­ti­ve gas­tro­no­my and event con­cepts, with cul­tu­ral offe­rings for every age group.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 3
EC: 650 m²
1ST FLOOR: 393 m²
2ND FLOOR: 71 m²
Exhi­bi­ti­on: 90 m²
Roof Terrace Copy

A house shows colour

Red and white accom­pa­ny us as the main colours through the design of the Mai­son Suis­se. This makes the refe­rence to the Swiss flag clear, who­se prin­ci­ples are also indi­ca­ted in the pavi­li­on con­s­truc­tion. Strict­ness of form and squa­re pro­por­ti­ons on the one hand, a strong cent­re, free­dom of ide­as and sus­taina­bi­li­ty on the other. Recy­clable ele­ments and mate­ri­als in the con­s­truc­tion crea­te a Swiss oasis in the green. Visi­tors can explo­re a pan­op­ti­con of the Alpi­ne coun­try here: with many impres­si­ons, expe­ri­ence sta­ti­ons and Swiss ori­gi­nals. Stri­ped gra­phics on the flo­or and walls under­line the spor­ty aes­the­tics of the inte­ri­or and are remi­nis­cent of the tar­tan tracks in the sta­di­um. Swiss iden­ti­ty and sport­ing thought thus flow together.

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