SRAM The squa­ring of the wheel Archi­tec­tu­re & neighbourhood/area plan­ning­C­GI & moti­on design­Con­tent & text­Corpo­ra­te design & sign­ageInte­ri­or design and sceno­gra­phyTra­de fair & event design­Pro­duct design & pack­a­ging­Re­tail & brand spaces­Stra­tegy & con­sul­ting­Web design & AR Ever­yo­ne from tech­no­lo­gy-loving racing cyclists to adre­na­line-dri­ven downhil­lers can get their speed up here. With the Rock­S­h­ox, Zipp and Ham­mer­head brands, SRAM offers the usu­al powerful tech­no­lo­gies that […]

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Ochsner Sport Zurich

Ochs­ner Sport Zurich Do your thing! “Switz­er­land is our sports ground”. Almost 60 years after it was foun­ded, Ochs­ner Sport is reinven­ting its­elf. With around 80 shops, the com­pa­ny, which was foun­ded in 1961 and has been part of the Deich­mann Group sin­ce 1992, is the mar­ket lea­der in Switz­er­land. As part of a broad-based omnich­an­nel stra­tegy to renew its brand image, we rea­li­sed the fol­lo­wing for the

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Ato­mic 3 … 2 … 1 … Go! Bet­ter to take a risk and fail than not even try. Cou­ra­ge­ous, con­fi­dent and fearless. This is the mot­to of the ski equip­ment manu­fac­tu­rer Ato­mic. The com­pa­ny has set its­elf the goal of crea­ting the best ski­ing expe­ri­en­ces for all ski­ers. How does that work? With equip­ment that pre­pa­res you for the

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Vau­de The pin­na­cle of sus­taina­bi­li­ty What kind of world do we want to live in? We ask our­sel­ves this ques­ti­on with every new idea. With every new design. Every day. The fact is: Sus­tainable pro­ducts are more in demand world­wi­de than ever. Cus­to­mers want to buy with a clear con­sci­ence. At the same time, they don’t want to com­pro­mi­se on pro­duct qua­li­ty. Our stra­te­gies for a coher­ent brand architecture

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