Kaufmann Building Systems

Kauf­mann Buil­ding Sys­tems Buil­ding wit­hout limits Natu­ral wood forms the spaces for social living, co-working are­as, kin­der­gar­tens, con­nec­ting accom­mo­da­ti­on and other places for peo­p­le to meet and stay. With its warm radi­ance, the mate­ri­al ensu­res human well-being and crea­tes a har­mo­nious rela­ti­onship bet­ween insi­de and out­side. A sys­tem in harm­o­ny with high eco­no­mic and eco­lo­gi­cal objec­ti­ves. Design […]

Kauf­mann Buil­ding Sys­tems Read More »

Black Cabin

Black Cabin Earth­ly idyll Stop time for a moment. Sur­ren­der com­ple­te­ly to the here and now. Feel insi­de yours­elf. Give space to your true needs. Just be – far away from the hust­le and bust­le of the city. They still exist, the litt­le hid­den para­di­ses whe­re you can do all this. In the Oder­bruch not far from the Ger­man-Polish bor­der in

Black Cabin Read More »


SENGER | NEO Mobi­li­ty with a future You might assu­me that when you walk into a car dea­ler­ship, you expect to see one thing abo­ve all else – cars. The Sen­ger Group, howe­ver, as one of Germany’s lar­gest auto­mo­ti­ve retail groups, goes one step fur­ther when it comes to mobi­li­ty, with an exclu­si­ve sel­ec­tion of two-whee­lers and ever­y­thing that goes with them. The aim?

SENGER | NEO Read More »


HYDRO Ever­y­thing in flow Crad­le-to-crad­le – from source to source. Hydro, the world’s lar­gest alu­mi­ni­um pro­du­cer, has refo­cu­sed on this approach with the use and pro­ces­sing of recy­cled alu­mi­ni­um raw mate­ri­als. And is thus demons­t­ra­ting recy­cling exper­ti­se that needs to be made visi­ble: with an exhi­bi­ti­on stand at the sus­taina­bi­li­ty trade fair “The Gree­ner Manu­fac­tu­ring Show”. A plat­form with more

HYDRO Read More »

For man and nature!

Schil­ler wro­te that beau­ty paves the way for man’s tran­si­ti­on from fee­ling to thin­king – so let’s give food for thought! The ques­ti­ons about future mobi­li­ty and the resul­ting con­nec­ti­vi­ty are chan­ging the indi­vi­du­al demand for space in our urban struc­tures and call for sui­ta­ble, for­ward-loo­king ideas. 

For man and natu­re! Read More »

Sustainable neighbourhood planning

Sus­tainable neigh­bour­hood plan­ning In harm­o­ny with natu­re Man-made envi­ron­ments and struc­tures of a mate­ri­al or men­tal natu­re trans­form homo­ge­neous, bound­less and “natu­ral” space into indi­vi­du­al places with a spe­cial cul­tu­ral histo­ry and mea­ning. “Spor­ti­ve” space is dome­sti­ca­ted by archi­tec­tu­re into cul­tu­ral space that expres­ses and deter­mi­nes our beha­viour, thoughts and fee­lings. Archi­tec­tu­ral space media­tes bet­ween the natu­ral and the

Sus­tainable neigh­bour­hood plan­ning Read More »

Redensification Markdorf

Markdorf’s reden­si­fi­ca­ti­on Pile dwel­lings on dry land They have been stan­ding in Lake Con­s­tance for cen­tu­ries – the pile dwel­lings. Hou­ses on stilts in the water. In Mark­dorf, at the foot of the Geh­ren­berg, one stands on dry land in the midd­le of an urban envi­ron­ment. The chall­enge for this pro­ject lay in the small area to be built on, five met­res wide and 26 met­res long. Base­ment rooms? Not a chance.

Reden­si­fi­ca­ti­on Mark­dorf Read More »


Vau­de The pin­na­cle of sus­taina­bi­li­ty What kind of world do we want to live in? We ask our­sel­ves this ques­ti­on with every new idea. With every new design. Every day. The fact is: Sus­tainable pro­ducts are more in demand world­wi­de than ever. Cus­to­mers want to buy with a clear con­sci­ence. At the same time, they don’t want to com­pro­mi­se on pro­duct qua­li­ty. Our stra­te­gies for a coher­ent brand architecture

Vau­de Read More »